1.Showing up late to class… with coffee
Hey I get it, if you’re gonna be late to class you might as well be really late and have something to enjoy while your professor lectures about god knows what! However, be prepared for the Queen of England glares you are going to receive from your classmates. Even though it’s just a jealous filled facial expression because they wish they would have done the same.
2. Your response makes no sense for the given situation
Dining hall worker: “Enjoy your food!” You respond with “Thanks you too!” The classic situation where your brain just does not connect to your vocal chords resulting in you making a complete fool of yourself. Slow clap for everyone who has fallen victim to it.
3. Tripping over a missing-brick hole
Oh the dreaded walk past Hyde Hall, where literally every move you make and every step you take someone will be watching you. Most likely that someone will be attractive because that’s just how the universe works. Ugh. You will either look like an intoxicated idiot from attempting to avoid the holes or you will just look like an idiot when you trip over them. Pick your poison.
4. Turning up your music so you can’t hear how out of shape you are
Walking up Highland St. or High St. takes a certain kind of perseverance. A perseverance unlike any other that requires you to play the song ‘Eye of the Tiger’ very loudly for inspiration… Anndddd because the loud volume drowns out your heavy breathing. Let’s be honest, we all do it.
5. Mentally preparing yourself for the Hub doors
Does anyone else pump themselves up as they are approaching the dreaded Hub doors closest to the crosswalk on High Street? Well, you are not alone and it probably goes something like this… “You are a champion who has conquered bigger obstacles, you are a strong independent individ-… Frekin’ score there is someone in front of me, phew dodged a bullet this time.” However, if you are the unlucky one that is at the door first then you just have to give it all you got and sometimes it requires a tennis grunt to get those suckers open. Just remember the execution doesn’t have to be pretty, just gotta get the job done.
6. Running to catch the shuttle
If you happen to be carrying a lot of stuff and can only muster the half jog/half speed walk then bonus points for you because that’s even more awkward. The effort however is appreciated from the people who did make it to the bus on time and you have earned my respect. If you are the person that makes the driver aware that I’m chasing the bus, this is me formally thanking you. If you are the person that has seen me, laughed and said nothing then I hope you step in water while wearing socks. Just kidding that was harsh, I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy
PSU is filled with great times and just as many awkward times, but let’s be honest the awkward times make the best stories. Maybe not at the time, or a couple days later but eventually! :)