From Awkward To Awesome: An Open Letter To My Thirteen-Year-Old Self | The Odyssey Online
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From Awkward To Awesome: An Open Letter To My Thirteen-Year-Old Self

You're still awkward, but people really dig it, so it's okay.

From Awkward To Awesome: An Open Letter To My Thirteen-Year-Old Self
Hannah Lodge

Dear Thirteen-Year-Old Me,

What's up, it's nineteen-year-old you. I'm a sophomore in college, while you're a mere eighth grader. I know you think you have everything figured out right now, but trust me, you're in for a wild ride. Let's get started on blowing your mind.

First we need to discuss your body image. I know a lot of girls your age aren't as, well, developed as you are, and I know it bothers you. I hate to tell you this, but it took a solid five years past where you are now for us to appreciate and love the way we are. I know you don't really like to go shopping because everything is too tight on top. Here's some advice: stop shopping at Aéropostale, they don't cater to your body type. Stick to Kohl's, they've got what you like and it almost always fits. While we're on the topic of fashion, for the love of God, PLEASE stop wearing medium sized t-shirts. You avoid small t-shirts because you're so self-conscious of your chest, but honestly they look so much better. Also, stop wearing bootcut jeans with tennis shoes. It's not a good look.

Secondly, we need to talk about boys. You haven't had your first kiss yet, and I know you're really looking forward to it with your current boyfriend. Don't worry, it's coming up soon. Just so you're prepared, high school is a bit different when it comes to dating. And if I remember correctly, you believe that guys are all looking for a cute relationship the way you are.

Honey, you are not ready to hear about college relationships. It will only scare you. You'll have to wait until you're older.

On a more serious note, let's talk about church a bit. You're still in confirmation, but you only have half a year left. I know you've already started questioning your beliefs, and that's completely okay. It's taken a long time for me to come to terms with my religious beliefs, or lack thereof, and that's okay too. If you don't believe what everyone around you does, you don't have to force yourself to conform. Don't be afraid to be who you are. They have their beliefs and you have yours; it's perfectly normal for those beliefs to be different. That's how life works.

If you could see a picture of me, you might laugh and say that there's no way that's you. That's because I have a pixie cut again. I know what you're thinking, it was so disastrous last time, why would you ever do it again? I did it because I wanted to. Turns out, I look way better with it than with long hair. We never figured out how to style the long hair anyway, so it's really for the best. Another thing that's significantly different is that I have a tattoo. WHAT? Yes. Even though you cried at your most recent doctor's appointment because you had to get a shot, I voluntarily had a needle piercing my skin repeatedly for 20 straight minutes. The even crazier part is that I want more.

Let's talk about some hobbies. You are in show choir right now. You will quit sophomore year. You're also in regular choir. You'll leave your junior and senior year for various reasons and it makes your life SO much easier, but don't worry, you pick it back up in college. You play soccer. That ends after high school, although you find ways to play every now and then. I miss it, so enjoy it while you can. You also play tennis, and that doesn't keep going once you hit high school. You're involved in the school musical, which keeps going through high school. In college, there isn't really time for it. I miss that too.

Finally, you're in band. I know you're frustrated with how your band sounds. High school band is so much better, I promise you'll enjoy it. Past that, college band is even better. As for your own playing ability, I know you think you're pretty good for an eighth grader, and you'd be right. Just wait, it gets even better. You'll make All-State all four years of high school, you'll be selected for the top band at your college, and you'll even audition for the National Trumpet Competition, although even I don't know how that last one turns out. Needless to say, trumpet is still a very big part of your life.

One final thing. Stop making faces at the camera. Those pictures will be out there for the world to see, forever, and they will come back to haunt you.

In the six years between us, you have a lot of growing and changing to do. You may not understand it all at first, but it's all for the best. It seems tough right now, but hang in there. You have a wonderful life ahead of you.

Love, Nineteen-Year-Old You

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