So during my first hour class, I thought my teacher came up with a really good point and wanted to join in on the movement. We're all misfits. We all have our own desires, and stories of how we got here. But do we realize that those stories and desires just might be the very thing that impacts another person's life?
At first I didn't think so. I thought that my stories weren't as special and creative as everyone else's. But that's the beauty of it. Even though I didn't see how God was going to use me in my circumstances, Christ knew exactly how things were going to turn out. Because it was his plans from the beginning.
I think as Christians we tend hold on to things that we don't want other people to know about or hear about and it may seem okay at first but, once you get out of the bubble you're in. You'll realize that you are not alone and that there are many other people surrounding you going through the same thing.
It leaves me wondering sometimes how difficult things are for other people and how they handle it compared to how we handle situations in our life's daily. Because let's face it, there is always going to be somebody out there that is hiding something that we don't know about. That's why it's always good to pray not just for the people, but for anyone else that is going through something in their life's that may seem impossible now, but in the future will get better.
So it's okay to be a Misfit even when you think you're not one. There's always a story worth telling and a message to be heard.