Are you bored? Looking for a way to procrastinate? Do you need a break from Netflix? Then check out this list (in no particular order) of amazing music videos!
1. "Mind Mischief" by Tame Impala. This music video combines live-action scenes with fantastic animation to make the psychedelic rock song come to life in a fun and humorous way.
2. "Breezeblocks" by Alt-J. This music video tells an intense story backwards and in slow motion. The unexpected happens in this alternative rock video.
3. "Do I Wanna Know?" by Arctic Monkeys. This alternative rock video consists of colorful and creative animation that conveys the sexy themes and melody.
4. "Hopeless Wanderer" by Mumford & Sons. This is the most hilarious music video I've ever seen! The song is serious and sad, but Mumford & Sons hired comedians to act as the band in the video. Jason Sudeikis and Will Forte from "Saturday Night Live," Ed Helms from "The Office," and Jason Bateman from "Arrested Development" make fun of the bluegrass song. This is one of the last videos Mumford & Sons released before taking a break from music and then changing their sound.
5. "Shades of Cool" by Lana del Rey. This video is different from Lana's others. Lana appears translucent and in neon colors to represent the sensual and dark nature of the song. Also, there are some stunning shots of the beautiful singer swimming in a pool.
6. "'Cause I'm a Man" by Tame Impala. This video features unusual animation with clever symbolism to convey the themes of the psychedelic rock song.
These videos are interesting, beautiful, and brilliant. Unfortunately, MTV doesn't show music videos anymore, but this unique art form has gotten much better!