Canada, Ohio, and Connecticut. Well Massachusetts, then Connecticut, and now Florida. It's been eight years and I can still count on both of you.
I used to be ashamed to say that I met my two best friends online. With all the dating apps out there, I still get weird looks when I say that at twelve-years-old, I met my two best friends because of a anime form. But their friends they hang out with in real life probably aren't as amazing as my friends I met online.
Our skype dates that lasted all night were some of the best memories I ever had. It didn't matter if we were just sending songs to each other, or playing Flow against each other. I can't pin point the best skype date we had, probably because they all meant a great deal to me growing up. Even being adults and busy with our new lives. Working, family and new friends, we still have those few nights where we can sit down and listen to the ringing we have ingrained in our heads from all these years, and eagerly wait until the other two pick up.
I've never been as happy as I am when it's two in the morning and we're all just giggling because of some stupid thing the other found on the internet (like albino penguins) or from lack of sleep. Before we know it, it's four in the morning and one has went to bed (I won't name who because we all know who it always is), and the other two are talking about promises from ages ago, and never sent notebooks. Planning for the day with the fantastic three finally together. And I'm not talking the normal running hug you see in the YouTube videos. I mean tears and huge embarrassing signs flying because we've been waiting eight years and many, many skype/phone call hours for this day.
"How can you be friends if you've never met them?" That's always everyone's question. Always. How can we be friends? Well think about your best friend. You don't always see them, right? But you still find ways to talk to them. Texting, Facebook, FaceTime. You name it. We do the same thing. Just our days where we get together take a lot more effort than yours do. We've watch each other fall in and out of love, cry, ugly laugh, deal with death, smoke, drink. You name it, we've seen it. And we still stand next to each other, even if we are miles and miles away.
We're all grown up now. Two of us have moved in with our significant others. We have jobs and brand new lives. We might not talk as much as we did when we where twelve and thirteen, but that doesn't matter. We still text (or Facebook message because Canada costs more), call and the ever so often skype call that still to this day lasts all night.
Friendship has no distance, and neither does my love for them.