Its 2am and I’m still awake. I’ve just finished searching through 32 pages of job openings and I feel too nervous and hyped up to sleep. This, combined with the fact that I actually enjoy the quiet yet loud essence that night brings, keeps me awake. I should go to sleep, get a good night’s rest so that tomorrow I won’t be frazzled and irritable but I won’t. Even as my sheets and blankets curl around me leaving me toasty and safe, I won’t succumb to the sandman. What do I do then? It all depends on what the night has to offer.
Sometimes I watch movies, but really cheesy, unknown, romantic comedies that both make me gag and feel warm inside. There’s definitely a certain atmosphere that welcomes these clichéd and silly movies. 2 am is that time. When no one is awake to judge you and you have nothing better to do but sleep anyway. It's the type that you have to watch alone, because if you watched with someone else you’d just make fun of it the whole time. I sit there engrossed in the [sometimes] bad acting and wonder to myself, is that what I thought love was when I was 13?
Other times I watch beauty tutorials and product reviews on YouTube. I love watching the artistic nature of putting on makeup. I end up in awe as I scribble down the brushes and products that the beauty bloggers use. Then I go right back and search them on YouTube. I like to know what I’m buying before I actually take the chance to make a purchase. I do research upon research, as silly as it sounds but this occupies my nights more often than I’d like to admit.
Social media is a bit dead to me after a certain time. Facebook friends are soundly sleeping in their bed leaving me alone without funny videos or memes. I might find one or two people like me, fighting the insomnia monster, but nighttime is for solace anyway.
Sometimes I honestly just lay in bed and stare at my ceiling. I have seriously considered putting glow in the dark stars up there, just so that I’m not staring at white paint. Trust me, it’s still boring even after the paint has dried [hopefully someone gets that joke]. I get immersed in my own thoughts and my imagination runs wild. As is commonplace, I go over random scenarios in my head, plan fake reactions, and just reflect.
So what am I doing at 2am? A whole lot of nothing but also a whole lot of something. I’m de-stressing from my day, unwinding, and getting in some much deserved “me time.” Although I’m missing out on some very much needed sleep, it’s okay; I’ll just sleep in until noon and start all over again tomorrow night.