It's inevitable. After the turkey is carved, the mac has just the right amount of cheese, and the bowl of cranberry sauce that nobody eats is set on the table, you hear the word. The word that you've been dreading; election. As if the holidays aren't pleasant enough.
Focus on the food.
Compliment your grandma's cooking because chances are she'll explain with great detail just how much sage she put in this years' stuffing. Maybe she'll even plop a little more in your plate.
Just keep eating.
If the topic of conversation does result in politics, keep your mouth full. Refrain from expressing your opinion by making sure there's always a heaping spoonful of mashed potatoes in your mouth. That was what you were planing to do anyway right?
Talk about football.
Keep in mind, you still have to get through dessert with these people. Even if you don't know anything about football, bring it up. Anything is better than having a family member stab another one because they don't share the same views on what's best for America.
Talk about your significant other.
Even if you don't have one. Families seem to love hearing about relationships and crushes. It might be embarrassing but hey, a few jokes about your love life, no matter how sad it may be, is for the greater good of the family.
Ask questions.
Even if you couldn't care less about the answer. Ask your aunt how her back is feeling, even if you already know the answer. Ask your mom what she thinks of your new hair color, even though you know she'll be brutally honest. Sometimes, you have to take one for the team.
Like most people, I too have a strong opinion about the e word. However, Turkey Day should be about giving thanks, not your Uncle Bob ranting about immigration and "making America great again."
Just remember, bite your tongue, or better yet, the turkey leg right in front of you.