The horrifying reality of it all is that the freshman 15 can easily happen to you. A few nights drinking beer, consuming fast food and not having regular exercise can take its toll on one’s body fast. If you do not have the healthiest of routines your weight will catch up to you before you know it and lead to an unhappy lifestyle.
Don’t worry though. If you are struggling currently or do not want to go down that path of the freshman 15, then listen to these next few tips I have that has helped me stray away from the freshman 15.
First let’s start with two words: work out. Finding time to set aside to get in shape is difficult but with the right routine and friends, it can be accomplished. It all starts with waking up and making your bed, once you complete the first task of the day it can lead to a string of tasks to be completed.
Then you move onto making breakfast, getting stuff ready for school and attending your classes. After all, those are out of the way for the day instead of going back to your room because you’re tired instead have set out clothes for the gym and try to walk a few laps maybe do a few crunches to start off and attempt some pushups.
All it starts with is making your bed and completing that first task of the day to set you on the right track to working out.
Secondly, think about diet. Yes, it is hard as a college student finding cheap and healthy items of food but they are out there if you look hard enough and can utilize your coupons correctly. Oranges are always a good place to start and checking out smaller fruits that don’t cost as much but provide a healthy boost to your system are always a good addition to your diet.
Also rice and beans along with canned soup, maybe pasta and sauce are always a good mix up of diet depending on the deals you can get as a college student. All it comes down to is your dedication and how hard you are willing to work at straying away from the freshman 15.
You may not be able to avoid the freshman 15 at first when trying to adjust to college life. But after months of going through the same routine and gaining weight, it may open up your eyes to how important it is to diet and find that balance between having fun but not letting yourself go.