Lots of college girls fear gaining the "Freshman 15". The Freshman 15 is something that is notorious for hitting all freshman girls like a slap in the face. The dining halls have so much food, and you can have as much as you want! Ice cream? Yes, please. Cookies? Obviously. It can be dangerous, and the fact that some pizza places can deliver RIGHT to your dorm is just way too much. While we love the convenience, we hate the consequences.
For many, gaining that 15 pounds is just how college goes. Many people actually gain weight and then tend to lose it after their first year, once they get into a routine and figure out their diet and exercise plans. In this article, I'll be sharing some of my best tips for keeping those 15 pounds off and becoming even stronger than you were before.
For those of you who don't have a solid exercise schedule, there is no better time than college to start one. Start off small, and listen to your body. Don't go right into working out everyday because not only could your body react poorly to the sudden impact, but you'll be pretty darn tired, too. Take advantage of your school's gyms, and find a workout that you actually enjoy doing. Personally, I like to run. While I prefer to run outside, I don't mind using the treadmills in the gym, although it can get pretty boring after a while.
I've been telling people that as long as you do some sort of workout every day, you're one step closer to making progress. It doesn't matter if it's a five mile run or a 5-minute ab workout. Doing something everyday is better than doing one big workout every few weeks. Don't freak out if you have too much homework one night to go to the gym. An easy way to get some steps in is to take a quick walk around campus to take a break from studying.
Another big tip I have is to take advantage of the food that your campus offers you. It can be tempting to give in to the pizza, pasta, and desserts that are right in front of you, but many school dining halls try and offer some more healthy options. That being said, it's totally okay to treat yourself a couple times a week. One mistake that people make is trying to cut everything out of their diet, which results in a lot of internal pain, at least for me. Pizza is okay and so is dessert, as long as you don't overdo it.
It's okay to start off small, so don't feel like you're not doing enough right when you start out. Progress takes time, so don't give up just yet! If you take anything away from this article, know that in order to avoid the Freshman 15, you have to find what works for you. Not everyone can follow strict diets and not everyone has the time to workout every day.