It is that time of year again, finals season! Unfortunately, this is not the most wonderful time of year. It is filled with unlimited amounts of coffee and sleepless nights. This is the most stressful time of the semester because all our hard work or lack of work leads us to cramming for our finals. Most of us try to avoid studying, prepare for presentations and write final papers by doing other things. Here is a list of things we do rather than prepare for finals week:
1. Lay in bed or sleep
2. Go out to eat
3. Watch endless amounts of Netflix
4. Go out and drink our studies away
5. Clean our rooms
6. Take a shower or five
7. Go shopping
8. Go to the movies
9. 'Bump' old and embarrassing pictures of each other on Facebook
10. Do loads of laundry you have avoided until now
11. Organize our closets and dressers
12. Clean our bathroom that hasn't been cleaned since you moved in
13. Organize our papers from the semester
14. Sing karaoke in our rooms
15. Message old friends and catch up with them
16. Go to the gym
17. Go to Starbucks as a motivation to study
18. Craft for our future littles and grand littles
19. Make a list of things we need to study
20. Look at new apartments we want to live in next year
21. Binge on Pinterest and plan our future