Every University of Florida student knows that hell that is Turlington Plaza. Located basically smack-dab in the center of campus, it's hard to avoid traveling through Turlington. It is hard enough trying to serve pass the thousands of students walking through Turlington on a daily basis, but you also have to avoid people pass out flyers and people trying to talk to you about God like the plague.
When I first moved to Gainesville I somehow got roped into talking to these people at least once a day. I remember my second day of classes, I pretty much took papers from everyone, said a polite thank you and went on my way. These days, I've gotten my routine of avoiding people in Turlington down. So Gators, heres how to avoid those pesky people in Turlington as told by "The Office."
1. Don't make eye contact.
Making eye contact is your first mistake. It draws them in, while trying to avoid eye contact won't always help you avoid the mass of papers being thrown your way, it's a good start.
3. Hide behind a mass of people.
This will hopefully help you avoid having to accept random papers from strangers. If you walk behind a big group of people they will get flooding with questions and papers and you'll hopefully slide through Turlington like a breeze.
4. When all else fails, just say no.
When avoiding eye contact and hiding behind people no longer work and you inevitably get stuck having to talk to someone, just say no. I know we all hate saying no, because I'm sure the people standing in Turlington don't want to be there. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do and say no and speed walk your way out of there.