So... it is that time of year again. You know what I'm talking about. The weathers getting a little colder, the drinks are getting warmer, and you are busting out your favorite boots and sweaters. If only this was the only thing that the cold weather brought, right?
Along with all of the wonderful things about the fall and winter seasons crawling up on us, there is also the daunting reminder that it is cuffing season.
For those of you who are unaware, cuffing season is the time during the year when the weather gets cold and people suddenly discover the urge to get into relationships so they have someone to get snowed in with, cuddle with, and spend time with during the cold, dark, and festive part of the year.
Whether you love or hate it, cuffing season is real.
But, there is definitely way too much hype around it. I am here to remind you that is okay to be alone during cuffing season... and definitely every other time, too! Everyone has different ways of coping with being alone. My personal favorite is complaining and making fun of myself for it. In reality, though, I prefer to be alone, and here is why.
You are never truly "alone!"
Being "alone" never truly means you are alone. You are always surrounded by the love from your family and/or friends! Being alone means that you can bask in the love from these people and reciprocate it even more than you would if you had a significant other. I am not saying that people in relationships do not show love to their family and friends, but lets be honest, we have all fallen into the traps of love or seen our close friends fall into them. When you are with someone, you often focus most of your love and attention on them. So being alone allows you to really show love to people in other parts in your life and receive it from many more ends. If you ever do feel really really alone, I encourage you to reach out to any of these people in your life!
You can still do all of the things people in relationships do
Speaking of all of the other people you have in your life, spread the love! Go on the apple picking with your family! Go to pumpkin patches with your best friends, pick your pumpkins, and then have a carving contest with them after! Watch scary movies, bake Pillsbury holiday-themed cookies, and cuddle with your friends! Choose gifts with as much love and thought for those closest to you as your would for your significant other. You can do all of the activities that are usually reserved just for people in relationships with the other people in your life. In fact, sometimes doing things with your groups of friends is even better than it would be with just your significant other! This is called the best time of the year because of all of the fun things there are to do, just because you do not have a boo does not mean you cannot do them too!
Practice self love... it is healthy!
The best part of being alone is being able to focus on yourself. When you are alone, you are forced to discover who you truly are without allowing someone else to define you or feeling pressured to fit into the image that someone else wants you to be. You can do crazy things you may not do otherwise just for the fun of it and you can discover new likes and dislikes as well as other things that will build you up into who you are. Not to mention, people are always changing and growing. Sometimes when you are in a relationship you may feel that you are stuck in one place and not changing in fear of somehow ruining your relationship. When you are alone you are free to change yourself freely (to some extent of course). When you learn who you really are it is a lot easier to love yourself unapologetically, and this enables maximizing your happiness. This does wonders for your mental health. So, spend some time alone! Stay in some nights all alone to paint your nails, do some face masks, look in the mirror and tell yourself what a boss ass b!tch you are! Self love is where its at!
I am in no way trashing people in relationships, I am just reminding you that even though relationships are cool and all, it is also super cool being alone. We are at a time in our lives where we are discovering who we are even more than ever before. Most of the people reading this have probably recently entered college, a place away from home and all of the people you grew up with. You are most likely meeting a ton of new people and discovering new things about yourself constantly. Be selfish with your time! You now have the choice of who you choose to spend your time on and who you want to keep in your life. Always stay true to yourself and your needs! After all, you are the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be again.