If you are a fan of the Avett Brothers, you know that their songs are not only beautiful musically, but also lyrically gorgeous. Many a night have I heard an Avett tune and been struck by the words being sung. Some are happy, some are sad, some make you nostalgic for things that have never even happened to you. Out of a large catalog of songs, here are 11 of the best Avett Brothers lyrics and how their message is relevant to all of us.
1. “Well, life is ever changing but I will always find a constant and comfort in your love” -- "Swept Away," Mignonette
2. “And I’ve known others and I’ve loved others too, but I loved them cause they were stepping stones on a staircase to you” -- "Offering," A Carolina Jubilee
The Avetts remind us in this line that exes are things of the past, and that through each relationship we learn something that helps along the journey to that special someone.
3. “I am a breathing time machine” -- "Laundry Room", I and Love and You
In this lyric, the boys make the habit of us looking back on our lives sound a little more beautiful.
4. “Decide what to be and go be it” -- "Head Full of Doubt, Road Full of Promise," I and Love and You
It's that simple. We all need a reminder to find what we love, and just do it. Nothing else to it.
5. “Kill the doubt that strangles my self-worth” -- "Sanguine," The Gleam
The Avetts in this song call for help to the person they love to help them feel better about themselves, something we all need to do sometimes.
6. “If I live the life I’m given, I won’t be scared to die” -- "The Once and Future Carpenter," The Carpenter
Live life to the fullest. Embrace every moment, leave nothing undone.
7. “Always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name” -- "Murder in the City," The Second Gleam
The bros remind us that family is some of the strongest and most important love we can experience.
8. “I have been homesick for you since we met” -- "A Father's First Spring," The Carpenter
This line is a sweet shout-out to the person you care most about and reminds us all of a special someone.
9. “I’ll walk on anything for you, I’ll walk off on anything for you” -- "SSS," Mignonette
For the people we love most, we will do anything for.
10. “I was taught to keep an open-ended life and never trap myself in nothin’” -- "Open-Ended Life, Magpie and the Dandelion
The Avetts remind us here to not get bogged down by the trials of life and instead be totally free.
11. “I wanna grow old without the pain, give my body back to the earth and not complain” -- "The Perfect Space," I and Love and You
Live with no regrets, so that when you're older you have accomplished everything you ever wanted to accomplish.