The thoughts I had while watching the Endgame trailer
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33 Thoughts I Had In The 'Avengers: Endgame' Trailer That I'm Still Over-Analyzing

"Part of the journey is the end," and this one's gonna be the end of me.

33 Thoughts I Had In The 'Avengers: Endgame' Trailer That I'm Still Over-Analyzing

On this fine December morning, everyone woke up to not only a new Avengers poster and the revealed title of the movie ("Endgame") but also the first-and probably only-trailer for the film. For Marvel fans, this week basically meant that Christmas came early. First, the "Captain Marvel" trailer dropped on Monday night, and then the Endgame trailer appeared, surprising the entire Marvel fanbase. The Russo brothers had been claiming the trailer wouldn't drop until some time in 2019, so this was completely unexpected.

Like any dutiful Marvel fan, I had many surprised reactions and tons of thoughts. I have already begun forming theories and mentally preparing myself for the inevitable character deaths (There's gonna be at least three, I'm calling it right here). But I'm mostly just feeling a surge of dread and hope that, while they may have horribly lost the first time, Earth's Mightiest Heroes can band together one last time (It hurts to write that) and save the universe once and for all. Here are some of my thoughts on this ground-breaking trailer.


1. Huh, that Iron Man mask kinda looks like Ultron (Please don't be another "Age of Ultron").

2. Tony is using his last breath to talk to Pepper, I didn't think Marvel was going to make us cry this early on.

3. Man, Tony looks awful.

4. "When I drift off, I'll dream of you." MY HEART!!!

5. Please don't kill Tony off in the first two minutes, please don't kill Tony off in the first two minutes...

6. Seriously, Marvel, with the logo? Too soon.

7. Yeah, I'm gonna need someone to knock down that Thanos scarecrow-looking thing.

8. Let's all take a minute to appreciate the epic musical score. Alan Silvestri, you never disappoint.

9. How are the buildings even still standing after the Snappening? Wouldn't everything just kind of descend into chaos immediately?

10. I actually really appreciate the fact that they're building this movies foundation around the fact that they lost and not just telling everyone to board the hype train (even though that's exactly what we're doing).

11. The dark tone is extremely welcome.


13. Shuri is one of the missing people?!?! Marvel has gone too far!!!!

14. Thanks Marvel, because I definitely needed the reminder that Peter Parker is dead.

15. Bruce Banner is crying, so I'm crying.

16. Avengers Headquarters may be empty, but the light work is stellar.

17. Thor looks really good when he's brooding.

18. *Slides the Russo brothers a 20* Can Nebula PLEASE be the one to kill Thanos?

19. "We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves." Way to get deep there, Steve.

20. A new character? Marvel, we don't need anymore, there's enough-


22. Hawkeye is back!!!!! (I actually screamed this out loud when I first saw the trailer.)

23. Just when I thought I was done crying about Steve and Peggy, here we go again.

24. "Because I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't (work)." The stakes have never been higher.

25. Steve Rogers is the best part of this trailer.

26. The Avengers logo forming back from the ashes...possible foreshadowing...?

27. To absolutely no one's surprise, this film is called (drum roll, please), "Endgame."

28. "We met a few years ago? At the airport in Germany, and I got really big." Scott is still making me laugh in this super depressing trailer.

29. He's at the front door asking them to buzz him in, haha, that's so funny, wait a second...

30. HOW did Scott get out of the Quantum Realm when the only people who could get him out are dead?!?!

31. Stan Lee's going to have a cameo in this, right?

32. I've already cleared my schedule on April 26 for this movie and bought my tickets.

33. Thanos, do your worst.

I hope you're as excited as I am!! Here's hoping our heroes can find a way to make this right and (pardon the cliche), save the day! I'm ready for them to return to the big screen! Now excuse me while I go watch the trailer twenty more times. There are theories to write! April 26 can't come soon enough!

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