The Avengers; also known as Earth's Mightiest Heroes. They know how to save the world and fight the bad guys, but would they turn in assignments on time? Who would always be late and carrying coffee and who would know anyone and everyone? I decided to put it out there and characterize these heroes into your ordinary, everyday college student. (These are the original Marvel Cinematic Universe Avengers, as in the 2012 "Avengers" movie).
1. Captain America/Steve Rogers
That one student who never misses a day of class and always answers the questions in class. He constantly questions the professor and isn't afraid to speak up when he disagrees. Secretly draws in his notebooks and is passing art class with flying colors, but is also the star linebacker on the football team.
2. Iron Man/Tony Stark
Shows up to class either dressed to the nines or in the same clothes he's been wearing for a week. Doesn't pay much attention in class because he's already studied three units ahead. You're pretty sure you've never seen him without a coffee, and that caffeine literally runs in his veins. Is always at the top of the Dean's List and is the president of his fraternity.
3. Hulk/Bruce Banner
TA for multiple science classes. Doesn't get upset easily, but when he does, it's ugly. Is involved in three different science organizations in addition to a full workload, so he doesn't really sleep. When he does sleep, though, no one sees him for days. He's quiet when he's working and loud and boisterous when he's hanging out with his friends.
4. Thor Odinson
He is Student Body President, works in the religious center, majors in Exercise Science with a minor in Philosophy. He's that one guy that knows everyone around campus. Everybody wants him in their group projects because they want to hang out with him. He visits home every other weekend but is always at sports games and speakers and organized events.
5. Black Widow/Natasha Romanova
The one who somehow balances her social life and academics perfectly. She always shows up to her 8 a.m.'s with makeup on, her boyfriend is getting his PhD at Yale, and she can drink anyone under the table at the frat parties. She's never really seen talking to anyone, and there is an air of mystery around where she's from and what her major is.
6. Hawkeye/Clint Barton
In a fraternity, constantly sleeps through class and events, but somehow manages to scrape by in class. Plays club basketball and golf. He's always hanging out in weird places on campus. Not really friends with anyone but has a long-term girlfriend he doesn't really talk about.