The legendary world of Avatar the Last Air-bender is a topic of excitement for fans who love the animated series. The Legend of Korra was a continuation of this series that many fans adored as well. Creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino created the series back in 2001 and it was the start of one of the biggest phenomena of all time. The animated series drew in fans of all ages as it combined action, romance, kung fu, social injustices, teen drama, and moral lessons into a funny, action-packed, endearing show. The world-building and development of the characters, plot, and background of the show make it extremely interesting and likable and intriguing for viewers. In Avatar, the Last Airbender, Aang is a 12-year-old air bender, the last of his kind; he has bee trapped in ice for 100 years and has missed the war started by the fire nation. He is also the avatar, an individual who can bend all four elements (earth, water, fire, air), meant to bring peace to the world. The series revolves around Aang and his allies as they race to stop the tyrannical Firelord Ozai of the fire nation from conquering the world. The story of the avatar continues in the Legend of Korra, with Korra, a water-bender, being the next avatar, struggling to keep peace in the post-war world.
Besides the animated series, there is an Avatar the Last Airbender movie which came out a decade ago, but this movie did not receive much praise and acclaim as it did not portray the avatar world in a believable way. Netflix announced a live-action series in 2018 with both creators Bryan Konietzo and Michael DiMartino on board with the production for the new show. However, just a couple of days ago, both creators announced their departures from the live-action show. In their messages to fans, Konietzko and DiMartino both said in their statements that they were not given as much say in the project, and they left because they did not see the show being made in the way that they had imagined it. They said that Netflix did not give them as much say as it said it would and their vision for the show would not match up with what was happening in its production. This announcement made many fans sad and disappointed; it will truly be interesting to see how Netflix goes about making this new live-action show now that the original creators have left the team.