12. For Emma X Bon Iver | The Odyssey Online
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26 Songs Worth Falling For This Autumn

Grab a good book or a slow dance partner & turn the volume up!!!

26 Songs Worth Falling For This Autumn

ITS FALL!! & you know what that means!! It means I'm not going to shut up about it until like January okay, okay. It's that time of the year where my music shifts from girl boss to soft girl boss, which essentially means lots and lots of The Head and The Heart. I urge you to let your tune change with the time! It might be just a me thing, but I firmly believe seasons of life and times of the year have a soundtrack. Certain songs sound like summer vacation and certain songs sound like walking outside in the crisp autumn air - it just makes sense! Life without music altogether wouldn't make any sense at all, it exists to pick up where we leave off, no matter the circumstance.

Here are a few songs I've hand-picked to listen to on repeat this fall! They are a gentle sigh of relief, as is autumn itself. I hope you enjoy!!!

1. Half Love X Red Hearse 

Can't get enough of Jack Antonoff & this new project of his!

2. Holocene X Bon Iver 

3. Faithful X Allen Stone 

Spoiler alert I have a crush on Allen Stone.

4. Wasteland, Baby! X Hozier 

5. Lover X Taylor Swift 

I mean can we all give this new album the praise it deserves????

6. Bridges X Johnnyswim 

7. Living Mirage X The Head & The Heart 

I kid you not I physically and emotionally cannot go a day without listening to this song.

8. Alpenglow X S. Carey 

9. High Dive X Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness 

His deluxe canyon version of this song and "Maps for the Getaway" are all the rainy day fall vibes.

10. Liability X Lorde 

Have the tissues nearby.

11. All my Heroes X Bleachers 

12. For Emma X Bon Iver

When Bon Iver dies, do we just stop having autumn as a whole???

13. Sun X Sleeping at Last 

14. This was a Home Once (OurVinyl Sessions) X Bad Suns 

15. I Know I'm Not the Only One X Sam Smith 

A voice I will literally never tire of.

16. Down in the Valley X The Head & The Heart 

This entire self titled album is exactly what autumn sounds like to me.

17. Take Me Home X The Us Duo 

18. That Old Feeling X Frank Sinatra 

Because some things actually never get old.

19. Iron Doors X The Lighthouse & The Whaler 

20. Sweet Dreams X BORNS 

21. Life in the City X The Lumineers 

Another new album I am overly excited about!!!!!!

22. Half of You X Leland 

23. More X The Greeting Committee 

24. Sleep on the Floor X The Lumineers 

25. Byegone X Volcano Chior 

26. The Halocine X Hippo Campus 

Please indulge in these sweet sounds of fall! I hope you are lucky enough to fall in love with this season, yourself, and maybe someone else!!!!

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