This is music for the autumn days that are unseasonably warm in temperature, but so beautifully so that you can hardly complain. The days where jackets get left in the car or tied around waists. You drive into the city with your windows down. There's a briskness when night falls, but it's an evening that feels like cliche poetry (the kind on youth, really romantic and saturated in regurgitated adjectives-- something or other about feeling electric), and the thought warms you enough to let the 75 mph wind kiss at your neck with the windows rolled down anyway.
The air smells of leaves and campfire smoke, mildly like those cinnamon brooms they keep in the bins at the front of the grocery stores. This is the soundtrack for the days steeped in chamomile tea and rosemary incense. Days where the scattered shower rain and yellow gecko leaves smear across your windshield and nights where there's cans of emptied PBR strewn about the room.
This is for the days that end in paint-by-number skies, with the evening breeze shaking the burgundy trees, and where the sun bows to the moon with the last breath of autumn glow.