September 22nd is a day we’ve all been counting down to for months. It’s when the leaves start getting that extra crunch, the air becomes a little crisper and summer fades away for the year. By late September, we’re back to the school routine, swimsuits are put away for next vacation and it starts to get darker earlier in the evenings. There are countless reasons for loving fall, but here is a list compiling the best seven.
1. Sweatshirts, Sweatpants and UGGs.
The best outfit to wear around the house, to the store, to class – everywhere – is back in the fall. Maybe you have something on underneath, maybe not, but nobody knows because it’s the best, most comfortable outfit anyone could ever wear.
2. Festivals.
From local craft festivals to Octoberfest to apple festivals, there is always something going on in the fall. Usually free entrance, great food and an even better atmosphere. Fall is the perfect weather to enjoy great days in the community. Picking your own apples a d pumpkins from the farm is always so much more fun than buying them at the grocery store.
3. Gameday.
Whether it’s Friday night lights, Monday Night Football, or anything in between, fall is home to the greatest game on Earth. It’s a time for tailgates and corn hole, eye black and jerseys. Nothing is better than watching your favorite team all bundled up in the stands with a beer and your buddies.
4. Halloween.
Dressing up and going door to door to receive candy? That sounds fictitious. With trick-or-treating and costume parties, there is no holiday like it. Let’s face it, you’ve been planning your costume for months now – well, since last Halloween – and you can’t wait to wear it out. Sour or sweet, the candy pile is always high, the night is always one to remember, and the pictures are always the best. What are you dressing up as this Halloween?
5. Workout weather.
The fall is hands down the best time to start your New Year’s resolution, right? Whether you signed up for a fall marathon, are looking to join a gym before the January rush hits, or you are just finally ready to go outside without wilting away in the hot sun, the fall is the perfect time to get out there and move! Local trails have the most scenic routes fall can over to walkers, joggers and runners – go find out for yourself!
6. Thanksgiving.
What better way to show how grateful you are than pigging out at Thanksgiving dinner and shopping insane sales all night? Black Friday sales are now becoming Thanksgiving Day sales, leaving Friday available for eating leftovers and resting. Family, food and football are celebrated this day, and we all should really focus on what we are so thankful for today – and always.
7. Pumpkin Everything!
We couldn’t possibly complete this list without mentioning everyone’s absolute favorite reminder of fall – pumpkin everything! This is when anything you can eat, smell, see or touch is pumpkin. Everything from coffee and beer to cookies and cakes to house decorations and people’s outfits are pumpkin! We know what ugly Christmas sweaters are, but they even make those for fall holidays, too, and they always have pumpkins on them! Pumpkins are everywhere!
If I haven’t done enough to convince you yet, I hope you go out there this fall and experience this for yourself. Fall is an amazing season with so much to offer, and everyone should be so lucky to experience it for many years to come.