If there's one thing I've learned about Autism since I was diagnosed is that no one person is ever the same. A lot of people might have similar symptoms but there's a reason that's called the Autism SPECTRUM.
Not every autistic person you meet is going to be nonverbal. Some kids and adults are nonverbal. Some aren't. Some are only nonverbal in specific situations. When I was in preschool, I wouldn't say a word to anyone while I was there. I would talk in the car on the way there or heading back home, but I wouldn't talk to anyone. It took a YEAR AND A HALF to talk to anyone there except maybe one other person that I communicated my needs to but I was completely nonverbal for the first two years in preschool. It's completely fine that an Autistic child or adult is verbal but to say that they aren't autistic because they're verbal? What?
You can't point at a person and say that they don't have autism because your sister's neighbor's cousin has autism and you've met him, henceforth, you know what every Autistic person is like. Yes, you've met someone on the spectrum. However, you've met one person on the spectrum. You haven't met everyone.
Also, forget Autism Speaks. They may be trying to do all these nice things now, but back in 2006 when they first started, they posted a video about a mother talking about how she considered murder-suicide by driving her car off a bridge with her autistic child inside, but she didn't because she had a neurotypical child at home. They treat Autism has this horrible thing that takes children away from their parents and that there needs to be a cure. Guess what? There isn't!
Stop donating to Autism Speaks, don't "light it up blue", and stop expecting everyone with Autism to be the same.