Being an author may sound intriguing to different people. Some of them ask, "Where do you begin?" Others ask, "Where and how do you create a story line?" How do I explain being a creative writer?
You start off with their names. What is the relationship with the other characters? You need a hero and a villain. No, that doesn't mean Batman and the Joker. The villain doesn't even have to be an actual character. It can be an emotion such as anger or depression. It basically has to battle against the main character's weakness. Obviously, if someone is a recovered alcoholic, alcohol would be their weakness since one sip could tempt them back into alcoholism again. But if you choose such an intense weakness I would suggest researching as much information as you can find. Though you might know tons of the consequences that follow up on the character who made a poor decision, I strongly suggest you look into it anyway.
If your character struggles with a deep issue, Google detailed symptoms and really think about getting into the mind of your character. Why did they become like this way? What hurt them so deeply that they now have an honest struggling habit with it? If it's because of family or a friend, what did they do to hurt them that terribly? You literally have to become best friends with each character if they're a huge part of your storyline. Characters only in a scene or two don't really need much background given about them. Maybe introduce them and have a quirky character feeling about them.
Make it funny! Put in some sarcastic humor to allow the storyline to flow if it isn't a comical book. I have written stories with many dramatic occasions to constantly keep the reader's interest strong. But too many dramatic scenes will exhaust your reader. Resolve most inconveniences throughout your novel and when the character is settled down from the first storm, let them have a breather.
As the character trudges through the problem, have them search for help while you explain their stress or depression or any other emotions being felt. How do they tolerate the strong feelings? Do they grieve? Do they shut everyone out? It also depends on their age. From childhood to early teenagehood, personalities change. Realistically, younger ones are more likely to share their emotions with their parents or friends whereas a teenager would shut their parents out and vent on their own. Why are they shutting them out? Why did they pick a certain person to grieve to? Why do they feel a connection with that person? Through dealing with whatever the issue is, keep describing what is rambling through their minds and what are they learning from the issues.
With these considerations, you should be able to write your novel!