3. They are loyal. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Australian Shepherds Are The Best Dogs

How can you not love a wiggle butt?

10 Reasons Australian Shepherds Are The Best Dogs

Australian Shepherd's are a long-haired breed of working dog originally bred to herd livestock. Since their beginning, the role has reversed where they make outstanding house pets. Also known as Aussie's, the breed has become a favorite to many families all around the world. These are 10 out of the billions of reasons that Australian Shepherd's are the best dog ever.

1. They are balls of fluff as puppies.


What is this cotton ball running at me!? Oh, wait! That is my Australian Shepherd. When they are small and they still have their baby hair, it sticks out and is really soft. They are a living, breathing, cotton ball with eyes. I might be biased, but Aussie puppies are the cutest puppies. They are so high energy and their personalities are really starting to shine through. They are the kind of puppy that will steal one's heart with one sweet look.

2. They are intelligent.


It comes as no surprise that Australian Shepherd's are the genius of the dog world. With all their energy comes a willingness to be trained in order to drain their battery. They can easily learn basic tricks like sit, lay down, stay, and then some. Heck, my Aussie learned how to give me kisses on command without me even training her! If you are looking for a dog that is easy to train, then you have found your perfect match.

3. They are loyal.


It is also no shocker that Australian Shepherds are loyal dogs. They will love you unconditionally. I cannot tell you how many times I have raised my voice at my dog and she seemed so sad. At the end of the day, she always cuddles up to me and makes me forget why I was even mad in the first place. They are the type of dog that would go back into a burning house to find their owner. Their love for us makes it impossible not to swoon over them

4. They like exercise.


If running is your thing, you Aussie will be up for the challenge of going with you. Australian Shepherds are very active dogs. They like to be outside, running and playing. Making sure they get more than adequate amounts of exercise will make for a happy pup, as well will probably protect your belongings from being ripped up. Just like a child, if they do not get the proper amount of activity, they will get cranky and throw a fit. If you do not have a yard or you do not want to go on a lot of walks, then getting an Aussie is probably not for you. But I promise they will not be too much of a terror as long as you care for them properly.

5. They are happy dogs.

Rebecca Swyers

Aussie's are very happy and it is contagious - just like how another human's happiness is spreadable. Along with all the love they show comes great joy for you and the pup. They will show you that bliss when you come home, feed them, walk them, or just give them attention. If you like the cute picture of this pup, please show her love in the comments section because she is my Australian Shepherd. Her name is Millie. I never said this article was unbiased.

6. They have funny personalities.


They are the quirkiest of dogs. Every single Aussie has a different, individual personality. Like every person, each Aussie is a snowflake (different from the next). For example, I have two Australian Shepherd. Millie (pictured on number 5), is milder tempered than our male Aussie, Mate. While both are high energy, Mate needs to go out more and is a little more pushy for attention. Millie is okay with sitting at home all day but is jealous. Both dogs, are different even though they grew up together.

7. They are born to work.


Shepherd's were originally bred to heard. They come from the Western U.S, despite the name, and were bred to herd livestock in particular. Since this is the case, they are working dogs at heart. They will always be happiest with a job to do. If you live on land and have different types of cattle, the Aussie is the perfect dog to help you on the ranch. If not, be sure to give them sort of job. My dogs have took it upon themselves to keep my cats herded inside, despite never training them to do so. If you give them sort of job, they will love you and be happy.

8.They are gentle giants.


While Aussie's are not really "giants", they sure are gentle. They are very docile when it comes to children and people they know they should be around. They will not be the one's to bite your fingers when you give them a treat, they will gently grab it from you. They are very sweet dogs which is part of what makes them the best breed of dog. What is not to love about a dog that will literally skip for you.

9. They are sleepy pups.


With hard work comes a hard nap and the Australian Shepherd is the master of nap time. Aussie's are the best cuddle buddies know to man. While dogs are mans best friend, the Australian Shepherd is the BFF. They do get tired from all the hard work and the exhaustive activity of loving you. This makes them great at naps. They will sleep when you sleep and sleep when you are not sleeping. They will also cuddle the heck out of you while you are taking a siesta as well.

10. They have a wiggle butt. 


The final reason that the Australian Shepherd is the best dog ever is their wiggle butt. When they get excited or happy, they will shake their whole back end. Since their tails typically get docked as babies, they do not have a tail to wag. Since that is the case, they will shake their whole butt like they would their tail. It is honestly the cutest thing you might ever see. It is just another reason to give all your love to this special breed of dog. If you need video proof of their wiggle butt please click here.

While I can think of billions of reasons that Australian Shepherd's are the best dog you could have, I have provided 10 of my favorite qualities about this special breed of dog. Dogs are truly man's best friends, but Aussie's are better than the other dogs. I may be biased, but you can be someday too.

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