I have been an aunt since I was 12 years old and I have loved every single minute of it! People think that being an aunt comes with minimal responsibility, and they are right for the most part, but it's a lot deeper than that. When you have the most perfect little humans who follow you around, look up to you and love you so much — that's such a rewarding feeling.
There is a fine line of responsibility and fun, which makes being an aunt so cool! I don't have kids of my own and I'm nowhere near that stage in my life so being there for my nieces and nephew is a really special feeling. Kids are so unique and surprising, getting to watch them grow up and have some sort of influence on them makes me excited to see what their little lives hold.
There is nothing better than being an auntie and here are a few reasons why.
2. You get to hear secrets they won't tell their parents
3. They make you feel a lot cooler than you actually are
4. You get to be around mini versions of yourself
5. They give you the opportunity to act like a kid again
6. You get to be someone they look up to
7. Seeing them act crazy reminds you that you aren't ready for kids yet
8. You can teach them funny things to say and do
9. You get to hear some really weird questions throughout the day
10. Seeing how excited they get to see you is heartwarming
11. When you show people pictures and videos of them it's hard to stop yourself because they are so cute
12. You can teach them important lessons
13. You get to enjoy the quality silence once you send them home to their parents
14. You learn to accept their brutally honest comments
15. You learn that bribery is real
16. You get to avoid diaper duty
17. You get unconditional love (most of the time)
While kids can be a pain in the rear end, the fact that they are family makes it all worth it!