August. It's THAT time of the summer again. You've waited all year for the spontaneous beach trips, the memorable concerts, and the endless, carefree days. But now, as the days seem to drag on, there's only one thing you're waiting for: the return to college.
As soon as Christmas was over, you begged for summer to come quickly, but it seemed to come as fast as the delivery of your iced latte at Starbucks on a busy Monday morning not quick enough.
Now that it's August, all you can think about is gaining that sought-after independence and reuniting with your BFFs. Your home friends are great and you shared plenty of adventures and memories together this summer, but now you miss your school friends. And your home friends don't take this personally because they most likely feel the same way.
Simply put, there comes a point when you're tired of being home. Your mom has nagged you one too many times to pick the clothes up off your bedroom floor and has prodded you, more times than you can even count, to stop watching so much Netflix—so now you're itching to get back to your second home: the place that has your heart.
Being at school is just better.
Sure, with college comes frequent all-nighters, endless mounds of work and way too much coffee. But, if you love your school as much as I love mine, there's still no place you'd rather be.
You get to be your own boss. You have the freedom to keep your room however you want and you can come and go as you please. So, once you get back, the adjustment to a lack of parental control will surely be an easy one.
But it's more than just the independence. Why? Because at this point in the summer, separation anxiety is in full swing. Monday nights just aren't the same because you don't have your roommate to help you kill a pint of Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream while watching "The Bachelor." Sounds all too familiar, right?
Your friends at school are just different than the ones at home. They're an outlet from that never-ending to-do list and they understand you better than anyone else ever has. You miss them terribly -- and everything about the college lifestyle for that matter (except the dining hall; you don't miss that and you probably never will).
Before you know it, the summer will be coming to an end and you'll be back at your stomping ground with your favorite people. Instagram is practically waiting for you to take a picture with your "squad" just so that you can caption it: "reunited and it feels so good."
So, even though you're ready for a new year with your second family, don't forget to enjoy the last few weeks with the one you have at home. Help your mom around the house, clean up your room, and appreciate the loved ones you might not see for a while.
Slow down. Enjoy summer while it's still here -- because a month from now, when you're craving a pumpkin spiced latte and find yourself already drowning in work, you'll be thinking: "is it summer yet?"