The start of August brings many mixed emotions for college students. We get excited to go back to our second homes, but know that it also comes with some added stress. Here's what the emotional roller coaster that is August for college students is like.
When it's finally August 1st.
The excitement to go back to college amplifies when you realize that you get to go this month!
But... your bill is due.
The extreme happiness comes to a screeching halt when you see that your tuition is due in four days.
And textbooks.
The "broke college student" syndrome sets in even harder when you see that awful total cost of your textbooks (which you might not even use).
Your housing for the upcoming year is final.
Your mood skyrockets when it's confirmed that you're living with your friends.
The anticipation increases...
Once it starts to get closer to move-in day, you look forward to it more and more and want to be back at school ASAP.
...until classes start.
Your classes seem cool during syllabus week, but by the end of the month you get into the routine and remember you actually have to do your work.