In a power outage, you can still read a book by candle light | The Odyssey Online
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Call Me Old-Fashioned, But Audiobooks Are Extremely Overrated And Here Are 12 Reasons Why

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." – C.S. Lewis

Call Me Old-Fashioned, But Audiobooks Are Extremely Overrated And Here Are 12 Reasons Why

The day I realized that actually sitting down and reading a book either not on a tablet or having it read to you was the day I was returning from a spring break trip to New York City. As my friend and I were getting our bags checked in because they were too big to fit on the plane as a carry-on we simply mentioned to the gate attendant that it was due to the books we had bought throughout the duration of our stay. She was clearly shocked that two college aged girls actually cared about reading which mind boggled me. Growing up I loved reading, and despite the fact that during my collegiate career I have had significantly less time to read the love of books never once left me. This entire interaction got me thinking about why my generation has collectively turned to more "convenient" ways of reading and it frustrated me. Don't' get me wrong, I have nothing against people listening to books or using tablets to read, but I personally enjoy having a good book in my hands. There are a number of reasons I feel that way, but here are just 12 of those.

Nothing beats the smell of a used book


I know this sounds weird, but I promise you if you've ever walked into a used bookstore before you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I can't fully explain exactly what it smells like, but I'll put it this way, if they made a candle out of that scent it would most definitely have a place in my home.

You're pulling yourself away from the screen and distractions for a little bit

As a college student I find myself spending countless hours looking at my phone or laptop screen on a daily basis. Being able to delve into a good book and pull away from all of those responsibilities and expectations for the smallest amount of time is essential and is so restorative for the soul.

If you fall asleep while reading a book you don't lose your place

Image: Why Do People Fall Asleep While Reading? |

With an audiobook, if you fall asleep it doesn't stop reading and you will most definitely not be able to remember the last part that you actually heard. At least with a paperback book you only lose your spot if it falls on the ground after you fall asleep, and even then, you have a greater chance of remembering where you left off.

You can't notes in an audiobook

Image: Notetaking: My endless intellectual crisis – Visions of Empire

I love underlining things in books that stand out to me in books, especially when I am reading books on Christian topics. That's just not something you can do if you are listening to it on tape.

Personal libraries are an aesthetic

When I moved into my apartment, the one thing I requested is that we have a bookshelf. I love the look of a nice collection of books in someone's house. I can't really say if it's because you can learn a lot about someone based off of their literary choices or the love of books I have, but seeing a bookshelf in someone's house makes me smile. It also adds a character to their home and you and it can be a statement piece.

A paperback doesn't have a battery life or need a cell signal, so you can read it whenever or wherever you want

Image: Father And Son Reading Books While Lying Together Stock Image ...

I love getting lost in a good book just as I love getting lost in nature, why not combine the two things? Also, your phone and/or tablet will eventually die books never do.

There's a history and story behind used books that you just don't get with an audiobook

All of the used books I own were once owned by someone else. I may not know the stories behind it, but just knowing that someone once had this book and found themselves getting lost in it just as I do brings me joy. It's like you're connecting to a stranger through your mutual love of reading.

Going to a coffee shop to read a book makes sense...sitting there listening to an audiobook not so much

All I'm going to say is have you ever seen someone spend hours on hours sitting in a coffee shop with just their headphones in listening to a book without anything else? I personally haven't but I have seen time and time again someone with a book reading with a cup half-filled beside them.

In a power outage, you can still read a book by candle light

Image: Old book candlelight candle night open bible reading document ...

Candlelight and a good book? That is my happy place. Once this summer one of my roommates and I just sat in the dark with a candle burning because it was so peaceful. I don't know what it is, but it just further tears you away from the monotony of a computer screen and phone all the time.

A lot of times, you can find used books that cost significantly less than the audio version of the book

If I look at the bookshelf, I have in my apartment I can show you a multitude of books I've paid less than three dollars on. Unless you have a Kindle and Amazon prime, you'll spend nearly the same amount on an audiobook that you will the book itself. Go the cheaper route and check out a used bookstore!

It's called reading, not's literally in the name of the activity

I think this one speaks for itself...not trying to hate, but I just don't think you can get as much out of a book if someone else is reading it to you. But maybe that's just me who can't focus to save my life if I am not reading along.

Nothing beats the feeling of a good book in your hands

Bible Read Book Literature Hands Open Book

It sounds stupid, but I love how it feels to have a book in my hands. Maybe that makes me a nerd, but I truly don't care.

Books are incredible, they're a cheap way of traveling the world. We need to stop investing so much time on our laptops and cell phones and get back to the basics of reading a good book for pleasure.

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