Trailer Park Boys as Members of Your Fraternity | The Odyssey Online
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Trailer Park Boys as Members of Your Fraternity

Trailer Park Boys as Members of Your Fraternity

Ricky: New Member Educator

Ricky considers himself to be a role model for the kids in the park. He also spends most of his time getting Cory and Trevor to commit petty crimes for him and the boys. Because of Ricky's intimidating demeanor and ability to mold young minds, he would make the ideal new member educator.

"Cory, Trevor, smokes let's go."

Cory and Trevor: Pledges

Cory and Trevor are hopeless in completing any simple task without screwing something up, which makes them like every other pledge in the world.

"I've met dogs and cats smarter than Cory and Trevor. MOST dogs and cats are smarter than Cory and Trevor."

Julian: President

Julian runs the show. He knows how to remain calm in dire situations and has done a lot of book-reading in jail, which taught him everything he needs to know about success. With his book smarts and good decision making, Julian would definitely be president of the Sunnyvale Fraternity.

"Listen, Ricky, you're only at school for one reason, and that's to sell drugs."

Bubbles: Treasurer

Bubbles may live in a shed and refurbish shopping carts for a living, but that's what would make him a great treasurer; he knows how to pinch pennies and spend money where it counts.

"Bubbles? He's the smartest guy in the park."

Jim Lahey: Risk Manager

Jim Lahey is always trying to do what's right for the park. He tries and tries, but he can never seem to stop the boys from doing illegal things, which is pretty much every risk manager's worst nightmare.

"I'm a slave to this park. Always have been. Always will be."

Randy: Assistant Risk Manager

Randy is Lahey's right hand man. He does whatever he tells him to do and he does it with a smile. I'm not sure if any fraternities have assistant risk managers, but if they do, Randy would be one.

"Cops and dope don't mix do they Mr. Lahey?"

J- Roc: Social Chair

J- Roc is the best rapper in Sunnyvale. Hands down. He also throws every party the boys have at his mom's trailer. Though most of his parties get shut down for not having a liquor license, I still admire his commitment to a good time, and good times are what socials are all about.

"It's hard to admit it but, Mom, I'm white."

Ray: Chapter Advisor

Ray is Ricky's father and always has wise words to share with the boys from his years of experience on the road. Ray let's the boys hide dope in his trailer and tries his best to keep them out of trouble. Ray's concern for and loyalty to the boys is what would make him a great fit for chapter advisor. 

"That's the way she goes, boys. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't."

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