People who know the sweet town of Auburn, Alabama, always say, "Oh you have to do such and such sometime before you graduate!" With a nod and a smile, we students listen, but we don't really hear out what these people are saying until it finally dawns on us that we only have four years (perhaps more) of this amazing college life before we're forced into the real world. So what do we do with this precious time at Auburn? Here’s a good 50 ideas to get you started:
1. Attend an Auburn football game.
I had to get the most obviously important one out of the way. If you don’t know Auburn football, you don’t know magic.
2. Visit a friend at another college.
It's always fun to see other schools' campuses and spend time catching up with old friends.
3. Eat authentic Auburn food:
Niffers, Cheeburger Cheeburger, Chicken Salad Chick… even chain restaurant’s food tastes better in Auburn!
4. Roll Toomer’s corner.
Don’t just wait until the next day to gaze upon its beauty. Aim for the highest branch of the highest tree, because this is Auburn and we just won a football game.
5. Attend a Telfair Peet Theatre production.
Students usually get in free!
6. Befriend a professor.
Most of Auburn’s professors are incredibly engaging and represent the school well. Get to know them, and not just for hopes of extra points!
7. Hang out with Aubie.
He’s the #1 Collegiate Mascot for a reason!
8. Go to an away game.
Road trips are always more fun with the Auburn family!
9. Drink Toomer’s Lemonade.
You haven't tasted heaven until you've tasted Toomer's.
10. Play intramural sports.
Even if you’re not athletic, get on the field and take part in some friendly (or not so friendly) competition! It’s good exercise, and a great way to make friends.
11. Find the waterfall in Chewacla.
Been three times, still can't find it.
12. Sneak into the stadium.
Whaaaaat, no one does that…
13. Storm the field after a huge win.
2013 Iron Bowl Tiger fans, you know how it is.
14. Pet a baby tiger.
15. Do something out of your comfort zone.
If you’ve never done something; performed on stage, gone skydiving, or simply gone to the bars, college is the time to do try new things, even if it means leaving your comfort bubble for a little while.
16. Join an on-campus organization.
Auburn is famous for its student involvement. Find your niche and leave your mark on Auburn’s campus!
17. Attend a sorority or fraternity-hosted event.
Philanthropy benefit nights, events, concourse freebies – go and meet new people! Plus there’s almost always a T-shirt involved.
18. Picnic on Samford Lawn.
19. Climb the rock wall at the Rec Center.
20. Attend every sporting event at least once.
21. Find your passion.
22. Pull an all-nighter at RBD.
School’s a little more fun when Ralph Brown Draughon is involved.
23. Dance for 12 hours straight at AUDM.
This is one of Auburn’s most beloved events. Dance for the kids, donate for the kids, everything FTK of Children’s Miracle Network!
24. Try something new.
Maybe not out of your comfort zone, but if you’ve always wanted to dye your hair purple… it’s college, do it!
25. Buy something from J&M.
Everyone needs that basic Auburn gear!
26. Stand in the never ending Starbucks or Chick-fil-A line and don’t back down.
27. Go road-tripping with friends.
28. Take a keepsake from a frat house.
Apparently it’s a thing.
29. Reach out to someone.
The diversity at Auburn is astounding. You’ll be awestruck by how much you can touch someone by simply being a friendly face in the crowd.
30. Go to karaoke night.
Let it go! Let it go!
31. Do a random act of kindness around campus.
Give a thank-you note to your transit driver, pass out candy with motivational quotes or even hold the door for a line of people. Kindness is what makes Auburn so authentic, and it never goes unappreciated.
32. Participate in Big Event.
33. Skip class and do something fun.
34. Get involved in a campus campaign.
You’ll be amazed how a simple campaign can impact your life and the lives of Auburn students around you.
35. Yell 'War Eagle' at an Auburn fan in another town.
Auburn fans love meeting Auburn students who love their school!
36. Get lost in the Haley Center.
Did you really go to Auburn if you never got lost in Haley?
37. Go to the Red Barn.
Play frisbee golf, do a little studying, or take your dog swimming; it’s a beautiful place to relax!
38. Go to an Auburn-hosted or organization-hosted concert!
39. Ride your bike on campus.
We all want to know how it feels to be that guy.
40. Take a picture of an Auburn sunset.
You know the caption.
41. Go to callouts on Cater Lawn
Whether or not you’re supporting someone or anxiously awaiting your name.
42. Visit the Jule Collins Smith Art Museum.
43. Smell Owen Hall on the Quad.
It has a unique smell of its own that can’t be described as anything but “Owen.”
44. Meet a football player.
“Uh, hi, um, you’re – wow – and I’m – hehehehe. War eagle!”
45. Celebrate your 21st birthday with an identifier.
46. Send mom and dad a care package.
Maybe an “Auburn Mom” mug or a car sticker – something sweet to let them know you’re still alive.