As dead week comes to an end and finals week begins, the rush of school work you've been procrastinating will catch up to you. You will feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety, stress and probably a loss of motivation. You're spending more time calculating the minimum grade you need to get on that chemistry exam instead of actually studying for it. We're all in the same boat right now, and I find that Aubrey Plaza is a great medium to explain how we feel to those who don't understand us during finals week. (I'm looking at you mom and dad).
So for those of you who can relate, here are 14 Aubrey Plaza .GIFs you can use to explain finals week situations to those who don't understand:
1. The overwhelming sense of responsibility
This is where procrastination rears its ugly head. I choose to watch Criminal Minds instead. Soz professors.
2. Course evaluations
Thank god they're anonymous. If they weren't a lot more teachers would hate me.
3. When family members are like: "What are you doing after you graduate?"
" know.." *desperately looks for a way out of the conversation*
4. When you have to study on the weekend
Because, unfortunately, graduating > partying.
5. Group. Projects.
I hate everyone here. I'm gonna be doing all the work anyway, let's be real.
6. When you somehow pass *that* exam
And then you burn all your notes so you never have to think about that class ever again in your life.
7. That moment you're on the borderline of a grade
I've had an A all semester, I'm not about to fuck it up now and get a B.
8. When you thought you were gonna be a millionaire instead of taking calculus.
I'm kinda like a millionaire. In student loan debts, that is.
9. The 47,000 times a day you contemplate dropping out
Some people just don't understand the work college entails. It's enough to question if it's all worth it, at least 47,000 times a day to be exact.
10. For when you need to take the edge off.
I promise I'm not an alcoholic, but you can bet your ass a shot of tequila for each exam is necessary to get me through them.
11. When you have three or more finals in one day
Back-to-back. FML.
12. Group projects, part 2
Seriously, screw group projects.
13. When teachers don't prepare you for the exam.
Enough said.
14. But we "pass" them anyway.
Thanks to the curve. God bless the curve. I credit the curve as the reason I am passing college right now.
Also Aubrey Plaza. She gets me. She is my spirit animal.