Positivity is a characteristic that not many people latch on to when things are not going their way. We as humans tend to focus on the negative things that are happening and forget completely about all the good that has happened and all that we are blessed with.
It is so important to maintain a positive attitude, even when surrounded by negativity. Being positive will make people want to be around. You will motivate others and motivate yourself to do more and make the best of any situation. Ralph Martson said, “Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It’s leadership.” This is why your friends, teammates or even strangers will flock to you if you refuse to conform to the negativity that is everywhere else in the world. Your positive vibes will spread. If you give those around you a reason to want to be positive and want to be better, it will change their whole way of thinking. At the end of the day, if you know you have made a difference in someone else’s day you, will feel good about yourself, and that will fuel the fire for the next day.
If you let the negativity affect you, not only will you become influenced in one aspect of your life, but you will change your way of thinking and before you know it, everything in your life will be negative. For someone who is always trying to find the light in every situation, negativity is a slap in the face. When the negativity starts to pull you down, try as hard as you can to get out of the situation.
If you can’t get out, make the best of it. Without making the best of each situation, your motivation and drive to be the best will be gone. If you want to escape the negative situation, the people around you probably do too. Instead of focusing on making it better for yourself, focus on making it better for them. It will blind you from the negative, and you will only see how much you are investing into those around you. Giving and helping others brings us the most joy.
As you go throughout your life, distance yourself from negativity, and beautiful things will happen. Make it a priority in your life to be positive. Yes, it is impossible to be positive 100 percent of the time, but make an effort to be as happy as you can. If you are stuck somewhere in between, know you are not alone. Look at every day as a new opportunity to become the person you want to be.