Finally, the day has come. You are ready to start adulting. Who needs parents anymore? You are ready to be you and independent! A last page has been turned and you can't wait to see what that new chapter has to offer for you! But... as hard and embarrassing as it may be, I have one little request for move in day.
When your mom wants to make your bed and unpack all of your clothes, fold them and hang them -- let her. If your dad wants to introduce himself to everyone on your floor, building, or everyone you meet -- let him. If they stop you every five seconds to take a picture of you in front of the cafeteria, unloading, your room empty, the unpacking process -- let them. If they want to take you out for a meal or a little shopping trip, even if it seems like something needless -- let them. If they start telling embarrassing stories, keep attempting to be the cool parents, even if they are giving you some lectures on life, and even though it will probably drive you absolute bonkers -- let them do this too.
This day will feel like it is all about you, I mean you are about to start a new chapter, right? Well, believe it or not, your parents are starting a new chapter of their life today too. This day is probably going to be more difficult for them, than it will be for you. Your parents have been preparing for this binding farewell, basically their whole life. But, for the past few weeks they have been really mentally preparing, tearing up here and there.
So let me cut to my request: Let your parents treat you like their baby, one last time.