If you're an incoming college freshman that just so happens to also be Republican, I hate to tell you but this next year isn't going to be easy for you. You are going to experience the classic college culture shock on a totally escalated level.
Don't worry, everyone has their own way of coping through the liberal college world, but here are just some pieces of advice from a fellow conservative gal that has been there and done that.
1. Professors Are Bullies
Walking into a college classroom, you should know that right off the bat, almost 95 percent of all professors are of the liberal origin, whether they are "with her" or they "feel the burn," you are like two completely different classes of human. The second you speak your mind from a Republican standpoint, you will be planting a target on your back as the one to watch because you think rationally rather than like a socialist. Just make sure that whenever you speak you have your facts to back it up, keep your argument on track, and keep your blood pressure low so things don't get out of hand. But no matter what, do not change your beliefs just to conform to some professor's idea of perfect. So speak up in class but when it comes to blue books, write like the most fierce of liberals because let me tell you, it will impact your grade.
2. Leave the pot heads alone.
Pot heads and Bernie supporting socialists are one in the same. They don't take showers, have dreads, and all buy the same drugs that should be" free for everyone". Let me just be frank here, most of these guys and gals, (or whatever the heck their "proper pronoun" is), do not have the brain cells to actually have an intelligent conversation worthy of your attention. So do not waste your breath, they are not the liberals you want to pick a fight with.
3. Always be one step ahead of a liberal
It is a common misconception that the right doesn't understand the left and for the most part that is true, (because they're nuts), but one thing that isn't true is that we don't already know their arguments. So make sure in school you read all the false narrative out there so then when you are in the middle of a debate with someone in the dining hall or in the middle of class, you know their argument and you know how to debunk it.
4. Get involved
Okay, I know this is something that teachers and everyone else says but it is 100% true. My first year of college I had a tough time getting involved but once you find your niche, you're golden. I would suggest organizations like TPUSA and College Republicans because you will meet people that live their life the same way that you do. Some college kids think that college is the time to experiment and be an idiot, but in reality, college is game time, baby, and it's time to lay the ground work for your future.These organizations will push you forward into your future rather than set you behind.
5. Don't worry, you're not alone
Almost all Republicans that I know in college say that they feel like no one is like them, well they didn't know where to look. These fellow straight-edges and go-getters don't just hang around at any old frat party. These people are in the library studying all the time, they're the smart kids that answer every critical question in class and won't be seen at many parties. They are the kids that do the most activities and know the most people, with a connection that spans past "the college experience", they sink their teeth into "real life".
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It