When I was a junior in high school, I was looking at quite a few different colleges. I was looking at large schools, medium schools, small schools, some colleges that I could have possibly received a riding scholarship from- almost any type of school, really. Since I’m from Columbus, Ohio, a lot of the kids that I graduated with went to Ohio State University and Ohio University, some attended Bowling Green State University, and some attended the University of Kentucky. I checked out some of those schools, but the big school feel wasn’t for me. I guess that’s how I ended up where I am now.
I always knew I needed a little more individualized attention in academic classes. As much as I would have LOVED to attend THE Ohio State University, I wouldn’t have survived there. The class sizes are just too big and there is zero individualized attention in those massive lecture halls. I occasionally go down to visit friends and my boyfriend at OSU and every time I visit, I always wish that I would’ve gone to school there. I love the atmosphere of the football games, the sights around campus, and more importantly- it’s closer to home.
The big atmosphere is good and all, but there’s something about a small campus where everyone knows everyone that makes Lake Erie College feel like home. We’re a close-knit group of people, the classes are more individualized since there’s only a few kids in the class. I feel that my education is easier to reach here, at a small school, than it would be if I were at a bigger school.
I know a lot of people want to attend larger schools because their friends are going there, their boyfriend/girlfriend is going there, or they feel pressured to go to these bigger schools. I just want you know that attending a small school is okay. I promise, going to a school where you know absolutely no one at first, isn’t the end of the world. In fact, the world just got a whole lot bigger. Don’t be afraid to check out the small schools! They're totally worth it!