Grant Park Summer Shade Festival | The Odyssey Online
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7 Enjoyable Summer Festivals To Attend With Friends and Family

Summer is here and its now a great time to check out new festivals right here in ATL

Unsplash/Vonecia Carswell

Ever get the feeling that you have nothing to do over the summer but planned so much over the school year? Well, same. Summer Festivals are always a great way to pass the time, try something new, and entertaining for everyone no matter the age group. Here is a list of 7 festivals in Atlanta, Georgia that is worth going to.

Atlanta Food & Wine Festival

The Atlanta Food & Wine Festival is a great way to try new foods from numerous restaurants and business. This festival is designed to shine a light on various international cuisines and drinks as well as connecting it back to the rich traditions of the South.

Date: May 30- June 2, 2019

Location: Midtown Atlanta


Flying Colors Butterfly Festival

With a variety of festival fun, Flying Colors Butterfly Festival will entertain guests of all ages! Enjoy family fun, delicious food, live music, and exciting activities while being surrounded by hundreds of butterflies and the sunny weather of June throughout the weekend.

Date: June 1st 2019 (10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) and June 2nd 2019 (12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Location: Chattahoochee Nature Center


Atlanta Ice Cream Festival

The Atlanta Ice Cream Festival offers delicious treats, and a variety of ways to burn off the calories makes for a great combination! It includes something for the entire family. Did I also mention that it raises money for Cancer research? This festival is definitely something to check out.

Date: July 27th 2019

Location: Piedmont Park


Atlanta Underground Film Festival

The 16th Annual Atlanta Underground Film Festival is held as part of the Atlanta Film Series. The festival is a great way to enter films and support independent filmmakers who flourish outside the mainstream platform. You are sure to see great films that are nothing like you have ever experienced.

Date: August 15th - 18th 2019

Location: Synchronicity Theatre

Piedmont Park Arts Festival 2019

The Arts Festival is a show, unlike any other in the City of Atlanta stressing the importance of the visual arts and family fun all ages and interests. This event will feature up to 250 painters, photographers, sculptors, jewelers, and crafters! It brings together exceptional artists from all over the country and many from Georgia!

Date: August 17th - 18th

Location: Piedmont Park


Grant Park Summer Shade Festival

The Grant Park Summer Shade Festival is an annual fundraiser for the Grant Park Conservancy, a non-profit, membership-based organization committed to the renovation, beautification, and maintenance of Grant Park. This festival offers food, live music from talented artists, and a 5k run for the park that can be enjoyed by all ages. So, bring your blanket, family, and friend to spend a great day at sat the Grant Park Summer Shade Festival.

Date: August 24th – 25th 2019

Location: Grant Park


Music Midtown (not in the summer but you should still go)

Music Midtown is a widely attended festival at the end of summer or the beginning of the new school year that you should definitely check out with friends. Artists such as Travis Scott, Cardi B, Billie Eilish, etc. will be performing at the 2-day concert. Make sure to buy your tickets!

Date: September 14th - 15th 2019

Location: Piedmont Park


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