In honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to write an article and dedicate it to my wonderful mother. I've written and re-written each line maybe seven times and I realized that I would never be able to express through words how grateful I am for her and all that she has done for me, but I of course have to try, because I'm lucky because my mother loves me. She loves everyone. She has taught me so much about love and life and what's important. And I want her to know how appreciative I am for it all. So, here's to you mom.
Thank you, for teaching me that "my door is always open" is the way to live life. That giving what you don't need, whether it be food, water, space, or a bed, to someone who does will give you a family larger than anyone else. Because of you, my friends that were going through a hard time had an escape. Because of you, I never had to see my family homeless, hungry, or alone.
Thank you, for supporting me. For telling me to be who I want to be and to love what I love and to keep trying. Because of you I learned how to cheer, play ball, tumble, read, write, sing, and dance. I learned to crawl, walk, and run. I finished high school, I went to college and I did it all because of you.
Thank you, for teaching me that it is okay to have my own opinion. Without you I would have been just another girl in high school, just another freshman in college, just another newbie in the workplace, or just another person who says whatever's popular to say. But because of you I'm none of those things. I'm my own person with my own style and my own thoughts.
Thank you, for teaching me the beauty of children and of life. Because of you I don't shy away from babies or freak around the elderly. Instead I embrace them. I show them love without holding back and I ache to be around them. You've taught me the importance of that, of love.
Thank you for working three jobs just to make ends meet. I know it was hard and tiresome and coming home to three kids (sometimes more) wasn't as relaxing as coming home to a warm bath, but because of you, we never went without.
Thank you for going through things no one should have to go through just to keep us happy. I understand that these things are "your job" as a mother and to some it may not seem like a big deal, but to me it is the biggest. To me it means the world. I've seen people without a mother like you and my heart breaks for them. I want to bring them home and adopt them into our family so they can feel the love you give to us. I can only hope to be half the mother to my future children as you are to us.
It may be "your job", but you didn't have to do it. You could have walked away, you could have given up. But even today you push through. You support me and my siblings. You are my world, my rock, and my idol. I'm lucky because my role model is my mom.