Summer days are the ones spent laying out at the beach and roasting marshmallows around a fire. It’s about the sun, sand, BBQs, and bonfires. The days seem longer and the weather is warmer.
These are the days I don’t worry about anything at all.
Most people go into it with expectations, plans. I go into the season with just one – to love yourself. 3 months out of the year, I choose love.Because when you love yourself, you love life. And when you love life, you live life.
So, start loving and start living. These are the parts of summer you won’t want to miss out on.
1. Drive with the windows down
2. Stop worrying about the fat rolls
3. Be vulnerable
Summer is an excuse to meet new people and to try new things, without reservation. Take advantage of it. Be yourself and put it out there. I promise, you won't regret it.
4. Remember that nothing is permanent
Like much of life, everything is temporary. What you're feeling will not last forever. The summer days will come to an end. And what will you be left with? I hope it's endless memories to remind yourself to love. Not just for 3 months, but for always.
Hey you, summer’s coming. Love yourself.