Getting a good meal in is sometimes difficult for busy people and making it healthy is even more of a challenge. As more people become interested in fitness they are taking many steps to ensure they get in shape and a big part of that is healthy eating. I, myself get tired sometimes and would rather sleep than eat, however lately I have made it a priority to eat every 4 hours (trying to gain weight and more muscle) and as clean as possible. That means 90 percent of my meals are made at home using fresh ingredients. While this drives me to the grocery store several times a week, I prefer to cook my own meals.
Cooking can become very repetitive - as you will try a variety of vegetables and fruit, you will only keep the things you truly enjoy on hand daily. Lately, I have been creating recipes from my favorite dishes, I just go to the fridge with an idea off what I want to eat and recreate it into a healthier version. To my surprise, I can substitute a lot of meals and I am ready to step outside my comfort zone, try new things and share them with others!
This meal consist of an all-time classic growing up, spaghetti. In my home we had spaghetti at least once a week, not that it was our tradition or anything, it was just the meal my Uncle could master on his cook night lol. Since moving away I have made many versions of spaghetti, some were using only the jar recipe, until a year ago when I decided to make it from scratch. Best idea and that led me to recreate my scratch version to a healthier version.
I decided to cut the sauce and noodles. I added asparagus instead and this meal is complete in less than 30 minutes!
Asparagus Spaghetti
Asparagus (Cut in half)
Ground Turkey
1 can diced tomatoes
Half onion (chopped/diced)
Minced garlic
Italian seasoning
Olive Oil
Pepper jack block cheese (optional)
Cook turkey until brown.
Add onions and garlic until onion is tender
Add Italian seasoning and oregano
Stir a bit and then add diced tomatoes
Cut cheese into small cubes
Add cheese to meat, add a lid and reduce temperature to low, add lid
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
In a oven safe dish, add asparagus
Drizzle with olive oil then place in oven for about 3-5 minutes (you want it to be a bit crunchy, unless you like them soft)
On a plate
Layer plate with asparagus
Add meat on top and enjoy!
Not only was this meal very yummy it was inexpensive as well. All ingredients can be purchased for less than $15 and you will have leftovers. Hope you enjoy this recipe, feel free to add your own spices but remember, make it healthy!