Ever since moving out of my home and moving into another house for the year for college, I have noticed that I have asked many, many questions regarding the house and many different things about starting an account with a bank and the grocery store. Honestly, they are usually really silly questions to that I should probably know, but don't.
Here are just a few questions that I have asked my mother recently, and questions you might ask your mom someday too!
1. What aisle is the butter in?
This question I am particularly ashamed of, considering I am almost twenty years old and I should definitely know things like that.
2. Can you just do it for me?
With anything regarding calling someone, to making a bank account, to forwarding emails to my mom that I don't understand, I usually ask this exact question. I could probably figure it out if I took the time, but a lot of the time, my mom already knows what it is. So, whatever needs to get done gets done quickly!
3. How do you cook spaghetti sauce?
I am super embarrassed about this one because I have never really cooked before. But I did not realize how truly easy making spaghetti was... Until now...
4. Can I take out some money?
I currently don't have a bank account set up, I am in the process of it, but I have a card connected to my parents' account. I am needing to pay rent and buy things for the house currently and have to use that card connected to my parents' account, so this question is asked frequently. Hopefully for not much longer!
5. Can you make me an appointment for...?
I always ask my mom to call and make appointments, whether it be for my hair or the doctor. I am pretty shy but I don't think I would want to call anyway; I usually try and make my mom do it!
6. How do you get a stain out?
I recently had a bloody nose and was conveniently wearing a white shirt, so you already know what happens next!
Those are just a few questions that I ask my mom on a daily basis, and I am positive that there will be many, many more silly questions like the ones above. I think a lot of children end up asking their moms questions like that because they are moms and they just know everything. I love my superhero mom!