The Presidential Election is days away and I can honestly say that I am petrified. As a young woman of color, that is already constantly sexually harassed, that comes from an upper middle class family, that plans on attending college during the next four years, that has other friends of color, and that cares about the safety and feelings of people that are like and different than me my fear of a Trump win grows daily. My original idea for this week's article was fluffy and cute much like a majority of my pieces, but as a watched the news this morning I could not help, but wonder what Trump fears plague the people surrounding me. So I sent out a text asking my friends, family, and acquaintances what they think will happen to them if Donald Trump succeeds in securing this election.
I asked half of my contact list and unsurprisingly I did not receive responses from all of them (what can you expect in six hours?), but I did receive enough to write this article. So let's get it!
Brittyn Bonham: student
"i think that it will effect my future in working for companies and maternity leaves being unpaid or cut short. idk i haven't thought about it because i know it won't happen"
Alia Smith-Dhaheri: student
"If Trump became president I would fear for out country, because people support a man who hates my vagina. Also I would also just feel that people are still truly racist and would openly look down on me for knowing where I come from (United Arab Emirates)"
Veronica Velez: student
"So I never really was as hyperaware of my skin color as I became in the age of Trump, people have started looking at me and my family differently. The difference between our treatment before this election and during seem insignificant, but as each one builds up it makes me feel like this hostility is only waiting to erupt"
Suzan C: Medical Professional/ My mom
"I feel like he would neglect people that are unlike him and who don't believe in what he does. That's how he's been all his life. He talks dirty in every way, he would offend other countries and separate us from allies. He might try to make the super country the Bible talks about.(in revelation)"
Faith Cannon: Student
"The power of the people who voted for him would be magnified. They already have supremacy so him elected would make racial issues for poc (People of color) worse"
Hannah Ellowitz: Student
"Especially as a Jew, I'm concerned with how he promotes racist and anti-semitic behavior. His statements are quite similar to those of Hitler's which is extremely disturbing. I also find it funny how he hates illegal immigrants, yet where were the pilgrims's green cards? Our country was built on the platform of immigrants and different cultures so why stop acceptance now? Especially since we brag about our 'melting pot' of a community. Trump's America is an America that I do not want to be associated with"
Grace Sindaco: Student
"probably because i am middle lower class it would definitely economically put us back, and me being a women also factors into all the rights he wants to take away from us"
Rose Frederic: Student, Retail Worker
"Trump America is my nightmare. He is a disgusting person and I vomit at the thought of him being my president. He's childish and this may be the end of America.. I don't really know what to expect and I hope he wouldn't be able to change much when he's in office seeing that the democrats are getting more seats it may not be something to worry about. Either way, I'm not ready for this 'Great America'"
Gabby Alexandrescu: Student
"I think people will become a whole lot more prejudice. Trump becoming president is going to set us back by like 100 years to a time before acceptance and white supremacy is going to become more and more of a thing. I think racism is going to become a lot more okay and for my family and I, that's not something that good at all"
Maria Allison: CEO
"Honestly, I'm already embarrassed by America. If Trump became president, it would be really really hard for me to say, "I'm an American" without being ashamed."
Natalia Cooper: Law Student
"I think a Donald trump presidency would legitimatize a lot of the thoughts/rhetoric of racist white people. I've already seen this...Donald Trump (because of his money) is somewhat successful and people are listening to him, so now opinions and attitudes that he shares with racist white middle class people are "OK" and "appropriate" again. If you watch the documentary 13th on Netflix there's a part where they juxtapose Donald Trump sound bites with footage from white people being violent toward black people and it's really chilling. Malcolm X said the most disrespected person in America is the black woman and I think a Donald Trump presidency would multiply that truth."
Imani Cooper-Williams: Student
"The idea of a Trump win terrifies me because I feel that I would be the beginning of not only another economic regression, but also a social regression. The hard work of activists in the past hundred years may be set back and I think many people in my generation do not see that. As this election progresses I have seen the true colors of the people I know and have grown up around. I see the deep rooted prejudice and hate in their hearts and I feel that having a leader like Donald Trump will make them bolder in their hateful actions. Donald Trump is a leader, he reminds me of leaders such as Charles Manson, David Koresh, and Jim Jones. His cult is the largest I've witnessed in my life time and it generates fear in my heart for myself, my friends, and minorities."