Being in love is different for everyone. Different people have different expectations, different likes and dislikes, and different things that they look for in a partner. Everyone will also have a different favorite thing about being in love.
So, I decided to ask 10 guys, of all different ages, about what their favorite thing about being in love is...and let me just say that my inner romantic was happy crying the whole time.
1. Ryan, 17
"My favorite part about being in love is just knowing that I have a best friend that I can go to whenever I want with whatever needs I have. It is great to know that I can completely be myself without having to worry about what the one I love might think of me. In the loneliest of times, I know I am not alone because of her."
2. John, 75
"Having a special feeling like no other attraction to a person you want to live your life with and to show that love in procreation with a continued commitment to their marriage vows is what I love the most."
3. Kim, 41
"I have thought about all the gushy reasons why everyone ‘loves to be in love’. All true but what I always come back to is the word ASSURANCE. Odd, I know, but this is why. Love offers the ASSURANCE that you can always be yourself. Too often we have to hide/disguise our true emotions whether it is at work, out in public, or even with our closest friends. Although this does not always bode well for the one we love, we can at least be true and real. Love also allows for the ASSURANCE that you always have someone to lean on. Lean on for a question, an idea, an Atta boy, a hug, and a laugh. No judgments. Love gives you the ASSURANCE that at the end of the day you will always have some that have your back, whether they agree with you or not. Even when you are in a solo sport, you always need a team/coach behind you to make you stronger and successful. I cannot imagine surviving this world without Love, ASSURANCE."
4. Dan, 52
"You have a true best friend that you can share everything with. All your dreams and fears; your smiles and tears; the good and the bad — all that stuff. A partner who will always be by your side and be there to support you. Someone you can love and share life with."
5. Mason, 24
"I love being able to watch her succeed and reach all of those tiny milestones that lead to our future together."
6. Brandon, 19
"Yeah, the family is nice to have and all, but sometimes you just don't want to talk to them or you don't think they'd understand what you needed to talk about. Having your person to go to with anything and everything, knowing they will care, knowing they will help in any and every way that they can, knowing they won't judge you (unless it's playfully), that's amazing. Then on top of that, just having that one person you know you'd be happy doing anything with and enjoy being around every single day is definitley amazing."
7. John, 53
"There are a couple of things that are my favorite. First, is being with someone who you are always looking forward to sharing life and a laugh with. Life can be harsh at times, but knowing you are with someone who can change your outlook with a simple smile is priceless. Second, is the romance game that goes beyond what happens in the bedroom. It's more about the game of constantly wanting to win her affection, of course leading to a trip to the bedroom, when she is constantly changing the rules of the game or hiding the prize. After 30 years of marriage and 5 years of dating, I would say these are my favorite parts of being in love and they never get old."
8. Stephen, 20
"Being able to share and spend life with someone and have somebody always there for you - you are never alone."
9. Matt, 39
"My favorite part of being in love...... That is a hard question to answer, at this stage in life I would say it is the team stage. [My wife] fills all the voids that I create, I may go to work and make the money but she is the one who maintains it, spends it wisely, or saves it. That is only one example, another one is I may build something but she gives it life, what I am truly saying is she is the glue or mortar. Earlier in life, I loved her adventurous attitude, wanting to travel. At the root, she takes care of me and the kids and always tries to put God in all that she does. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with her and the stages along the way. It's everything that I love! "
10. Kyle, 16
"It gives you someone to go to for anything and makes you realize how blessed you are to have someone in your life that special."
11. Tom, 74
"'The intimacy of decades.'"