Valentine's day is coming up soon and there's only one person you have in mind.
That one person you would do anything for because they're really that perfect in every single way.
Their eyes, their hair, their smile, the way they laugh… just the thought of them, you get butterflies in your stomach.
Bruno Mars's song "Just the Way You Are" continuously plays through your head, followed by "Marry You."
Except that one person doesn't even know your name or who you are.
So, ladies and gentlemen, it's about time. It's finally time your crush knows you exist.
With that in mind, here are 5 Peanuts character-inspired reasons you absolutely NEED to gather your courage to ask your crush out this Valentine's Day:
1. Goodbye to constant anxiety and overthinking!
When you have a crush you're constantly wondering if your crush is interested in you or likes you back.
You overthink and overanalyze literally everything.
It's truly torture to be thinking about something you don't know the answer to. It's an answer you will never know, until the day you die, unless you do something about it.
The answer is right there! All you have to do is ASK.
2. They might like you too.
This one is obvious but they might have a crush on you too.
They could be super shy or super introverted, who knows? They might be thinking the exact same thing you're thinking.
3. The worst that can happen is a “no.”
Because we're constantly worried about getting rejected, it occupies our mind so much to the point that it almost feels like it's a correct prediction of what is going to happen.
That intense fear of rejection inevitably overshadows everything else.
Psychologically, we are constantly reinforcing the idea of rejection and making it so much worse in our heads than it will actually be. It's like waiting in line for a rollercoaster. You hear people screaming their lungs out right in front of you so you overestimate how frightening the ride will be but once you get on and off the ride you're just like 'THAT WAS SO AMAZING. LET'S DO IT AGAIN."
Obviously rejection isn't fun or easy, and it's not the same thing as a rollercoaster but the point is that it won't be as bad as you think. This also applies to your daily life. Are you not going to apply to your dream job just because you think you won't get the job? Don't let fear lead your life.
4. And if they say “No,” you’re just one step closer to finding The One.
They don't like you back. It happens. But it's OK because that only means you're just getting closer and closer to finding the love of your life.
Plus, more chocolate for you, so yay!
5. It’s 2020. Make it your decade.
The new decade is here and you don't have to be afraid of absolutely anything.
This will be YOUR decade so JUST. DO. IT.
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? (cue Shia Labeouf)
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