Do you ever find yourself wondering about what makes someone tick? You'd do anything just to know what is going on in their mind and really want the chance to find out more about them. It can be hard to come up with the right words to start peeling away the layers of a person and finding out who they are to the core. So, here are 12 questions to help start that process of truly getting to know someone at their core.
Would you rather be able to change a moment from your past or be able to see a moment into your future?
These questions probably aren't always the best when you first meet someone, but these are ways to start building those connections with others when the time is right. In life, we need to understand that if we want to get to know a person, we should ask questions deeper than the surface. Not only is it nice to get to know each other, but sometimes questions like these can open people's minds to who they are and what they can do.