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6 Asian Cinematic Masterpieces You've Definitely Cried In

***Spoiler Alert***

6 Asian Cinematic Masterpieces You've Definitely Cried In

Hollywood movies and films usually dominate the global entertainment scene, casting stereotypes about everything from the American way of living, behaviors of other cultures to even how crime is solved in the real world. As great as action-thriller movies, full of scandalous plot twists are, if you're ever in need of a good cry, Asian cinematic products are the ones you should turn to. From movies to dramas to anime, these productions have the power to make a grown man bawl like a baby. Here is a list of a few of the best ones to produce the most tears:

1. Your Name

Not only is the animation for this film absolutely phenomenal, the complex plot and unique characters will draw you in like you are the characters themselves. As the male lead uncovers more and more about the girl his life intersects with, the feeling of dread in your stomach increases exponentially. Some start bawling when he realizes the time difference and that she was actually dead. Others start when they begin to try, oh so desperately, to meet each other. But nothing could prepare you for those instant tears when instead of writing his name on her palm, he writes an "I love you". If you have any soul whatsoever, you shed a tear for this film.

2. Crazy Rich Asians

There was something about this movie that was just too relatable for most of us Asian Americans. Was it the desire to please our elders or was it the desire to be accepted that caused those moist eyes when Rachel was told that she would never be good enough? Was it the feeling of not belonging or the feeling of being considered an outsider by both your American peers and your Asian relatives that made you shed instant tears the moment that green ring popped up in the proposal?

3. Descendants of the Sun

This was possibly the best drama I have ever watched. And this is coming from someone who never watches Korean dramas. This drama, starring a strong female lead and a playful male counterpart, depicts the struggles towards love for two people whose occupations hold such contradictions as well as once again, a struggle for parental acceptance through the side characters. If you didn't cry when they first separated, you must have cried that second time when he "died" for a whole effing year. If you didn't cry then, then you probably did when he miraculously came back.

4. Our Times

The epitome of pure, 90s high school romance in Taiwan, this movie has all the components of an Asian drama. A mediocre girl, a love triangle/square that resulted out of the lack of good communication, a car crash, and lots and lots of tears. If the departure of the baddie male lead didn't leave you in tears, then his cassette tape recording of all his confessions probably did.

5. One Piece

Although marketed as an adventure-comedy manga, One Piece has made me shed more tears than any other form of entertainment ever has. From tragic backstories to frustration over injustice, this manga will leave you pondering about the power structure of world and questioning what is truly right or wrong. Just watch any of the crew member's backstories, and you will be bawling and cursing the injustice of their imaginary worlds. And don't even get me started about when Ace died. To this day, that is still the most devastating event in any fictional story I have ever been exposed to.

6. Fullmetal Alchemist

Though One Piece takes the top spot for amount of tears shed, Fullmetal Alchemist takes the cake for exposing the true horrors of human nature. A simple "Ed...ward?" anywhere and anytime will still leave goosebumps everywhere, and if the life lessons taught in this manga don't move you, then I don't know what to say to you.

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