The easiest way to get in shape is if someone tells you what to do for your workouts every time. This girl does just that.
After high school, I really struggled with getting to the gym on a consistent basis. I was so used to someone expecting me to be at practice and being told exactly what to do. I didn't realize at the time how easy I had it until I went to college. My body shifted in ways that I hated, but no matter what I tried, I could never stick with it. I still love to run, but it is not as easy to do when I don't have a structured workout set in place or without teammates to do it with who constantly pushed me. I now have only myself to bark in my own ear and most of the time my bed seems like a more fun place to be. I knew I needed a change and I needed it fast.
There are so many fitness accounts out there, but I never really resonated with one, until I found Ashleigh Jordan.
I haven't been following along with Ashleigh for long, but I am so glad that I started. She has changed the way that I workout because she posts a workout that targets a specific area each day. I never have to come up with one on my own and can easily follow her moves.
Ashleigh is a super adorable, passionate and knowledgeable human. She also does "fit tips of the day" at the end of her workout videos. I have already learned so much from her in such a short time.
If lifting isn't normally your thing, please don't feel overwhelmed. This is a very straightforward and simple way to learn. Ashleigh posts a routine on her Instagram where you can watch a video of her doing each move. This makes it so simple to feel more confident at the gym. She puts text on her videos that say what that workout is targeting so that you don't have to scroll through each video to find the one you want.
Ashleigh also has a YouTube channel and owns her own athletic clothing line called Navigation (which is super cute and affordable by the way!).
I already have felt more confident, have seen results, and can really feel how much the exercises are working my body in such a short time. If you aren't already following @ashleigh_jordan you definitely need to! I hope you all gain the results you want and have a fun time in the process because I know I have. Good luck!