The 2016 Republican nominee marks the end of the Republican Party. After 8 years of nonstop obstruction on the federal level; Donald J Trump is the embodiment of the rhetoric and mentalities the Republican Party and their right and conservative wings have created. Trump represents something that has been knowable in hindsight; but not in the present tense. The ideals held by Trump fall in an area of thought that relies on a distortion of reality to create a falsified perspective to propagate in order to sustain and expand its sphere of influence. Every authoritarian regime, administration, and Party in history has been identified in hindsight of this method of reality bending. And it is not just the direct leaders of such mentalities; but those who assist, enable, and contribute in the distortion of reality end up having a negative impact upon history. Whether or not this mentality is consciously being propagated is irrelevant now. It is undeniable that the far right wing that dominates the Republican Party has evolved into a proto-fascistic mentality. Fitting most of the criteria for American Fascism as defined by former Vice President to Franklin Roosevelt, Henry Wallace The Republicans are disintegrating under the persuasive and pervasive rhetoric espoused by American exceptionalism. It's rhetoric and perspective designed to maintain an imperialistic style of order over economies and governance. Resulting in their leadership psychologically terrorizing their constituents into maintaining a style of order which can only be maintained by fear. And fear-based ideologies are by design structurally unsound due to this reality.
On the other side of the political fence, the Democratic Party is becoming the party of American Exceptionalism; and they're cranking up on fear in their rhetoric. Ironically, their focus of fear is a quasi-level of extortion out of the population by declaring Donald Trump and republican leadership as a threat. Yet the Democratic Party shows no attempt to recognize this cognitive dissonance. They choose to cast out the Progressive and Left winged forces that would be able to balance the overwhelming influence of the far right. They perpetuate a corporate centralist mentality; sabotaging the New Dealer Bernie Sanders via a media and political blackout. A mental blockade from properly representing his campaign to the public; psychologically gerrymandering the population towards Hillary Clinton.
The real question into what will occur now is what the breakdown of the Republican Party will be like; which factions will stay influential. The Tea Party, Rhino Republicans, Neoconservatives, the right wing dominated Libertarian Party, Paleo Republicans, and all of the numerous sub-factions of the fusion of far right and conservative mentalities; that have dominated American societal and cultural institutions and positions of influence and power throughout the nation's past. One of the more important questions in this analysis would be in what manner are the moneyed and special interests, who have driven the Republicans, reacting to its collapse. As we have seen with recent Republicans rejecting and denouncing their nominee; a migration into the Democratic Party has already commenced. For months it has been known that neoconservatives were part of the "never trump" faction of the Republican Party, with numerous figureheads and donors investing into Hillary Clinton
This is not surprising since the Bush era Neoconservative's Project for a New American Century is very similar to the Obama/Clinton era Asian Pivot, the Pacific Century. The formation of a New Democratic Republican Party is forming out of this aftermath of the decisions of empire. The realignment of the US towards the Pacific Century, away from the New American Century, provides the Green Party an opportunity to become the new second party with its vision that rejects empire.
The Greens better embody the unionism and egalitarian heritage of the American political class better than the Democratic Party. Unionism can be definable as communalism; the desire to have a union of States is in essence, a desire for a union of peoples. The Green Party has been a structure of local grassroots communalism; and has stood in solidarity with communal organizations. The Greens also envision the perspective of egalitarian utopia; something desired since the foundation of the United States. Their call for social and environmental justice, actually reversing climate change and rejuvenating ecosystems, and democratizing to the political and economic systems would fundamentally uplift our civilization into a new more advanced, complex, and evolving civilization.
Their visions of unionism and egalitarian utopia are not just empty hollow slogans. The Green Party platform( parallels with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and his Second Bill of Rights ( more so than the Democrats; even with the large push made by Bernie Sanders. Areas of their platform such as healthcare as a right, a $15 minimum living wage, the right to food with the transparent knowledge of the production process to be an informed consumer, and ending the revolving door between Business and government are all paralleled in the Second Bill of Rights. The Greens also have foreign policy that parallels proposed legislation by New Dealers like Vice President Henry Wallace or Marine General Smedley Butler. Diplomacy and mutual solidarity with peoples around the world. Internationalism based on mutual cooperation, respecting international laws and military regulations, the regulation of international trade, finance, and commerce, and the desire to end international business and private cartels.
These domestic and foreign perspectives allow for the opportunity for the Green Party to offer an avenue of third parties and grassroots groups like left libertarians, socialists, communists, anarchists, etc. who would traditionally be excluded. Thus the Green Party can offer a means and arena to establishing Coalition Style government without breaking the Two Party system. The large majority of Independent voters that get excluded from the Democratic and Republican parties would be able to form a large winning majority over the two parties. Since the Republicans are fracturing and the Democratic have ostracized and repelled the Progressive and Left blocs of their party; these factions are migrating to the Greens as well. Reflecting a moderate-progressive, center-left, and reformist-radical coalition forming; in addition to the reconstruction of a coalition of the Left. This coalition of perspectives represents the largest majority of non-hegemonic and non-conforming collectivization.
The Green Party has new stronger allies than any previous progressive party. Not only does it have the infrastructure of the Sanders campaign that built a large progressive system in the Democratic Wing; which is currently separating itself from the rest of the party. The Greens also have allies in the ever evolving Movement for Black Lives(MBL) and the numerous grassroots organizations with them. The MBL recently declared a centralized call; while remaining traditionally decentralized and horizontally distributed.
This will help prevent its destruction by things like COINTELPRO; the counterintelligence operation conducted by the FBI towards breaking up numerous domestic groups and keeping watch on numerous groups and individuals throughout the Post WWII era This is critical to acknowledge not just for the MBL, but also for the Greens. COINTELPRO brought down the Black Panthers Party and other Black liberation groups, numerous left groups, and almost all socialist/communist/anarchist groups that survived the Red Scare of Pre-WWII society. Greens, and others, are learning to prevent this divide and conquer strategy on a grassroots level by a decentralized organization in a vertical manner. Allowing for a decentralized power distribution to form centralized organizations. The wisdom of the Black liberation, socialist, communist, and anarchist movements in fighting for the poor and working classes of all races, ethnicity, and nationalities is being carried on through the Green Party. The Greens are learning the lessons of history and teaching the spawning grassroots movements that are working and allying with them.
The Green Party and its infrastructure would not just expand in influence in being able to win a 2016 election. A shift to state and local focus for the 2018 election will offer the Greens a means to gaining permanent national position. This will likely be seen with a flipping of Red republican states to Blue Democrats; and the Progressive Blue states flipping to Green ones. Along with large or majority blocs in State houses and municipal governments throughout all the nation. The coalition style of governance within the Two Party system is a loophole that grassroots groups have been waiting for.
The opening provided by the power void of the collapsing Republican Party is an historical ironic twist to the rise of the Greens. Just as the Republicans had rose by an alliance of disenfranchised Democrats and Whigs, along with a coalition of numerous grassroots groups like Abolitionists, labor movements, suffragettes movements, etc. The touch of social justice is being passed to a new era of the Two Party System. The solidarity of the Green Party with the black community, the labor movements, feminist movements, ecological activist community, and many others facilitates the Greens as the legitimate Left and Progressive group in the United States. This legitimacy exists nationwide on the local grassroots level; the Green Party's ascension to a national party is happening as each day passes. Just as the election of the Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln solidified the national influence of the Republican Party. The solidification of the Green’s influence will be confirmed, and its place marked in history; if and when the party's nominee, Jill Stein, becomes the first woman elected president of the United States.