Dear Little Sister,
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, life will go by faster: a lot faster. Before high school, one year lasted two years. During freshman and sophomore year of high school, one year lasts one year. Your junior and senior year will total a year. Then in college 2 years will feel like one.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.As you get older, life may seem to get tougher. No, it will get tougher. You will have to work harder in school. You will get in fights with your friends. You will have to stay up late and wake up early. You will have to say goodbye to your family. You will have to leave home. You will have to start over.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, you will face so many more challenges. Rejection from colleges, rejection from people, rejection from jobs, rejection from boys, rejection from yourself.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, there will be so many changes. The changes will be amazing. You will go to your last homecoming, lacrosse game, prom and high school class. You will be accepted to the college of your dreams and receive your high school diploma. You will leave everything from home behind and start a new life in a new place with new people. You will be on your own and find yourself.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, something detrimental will happen without reason. People will leave your life, sometimes forever. Your health may get the best of you, occasionally forever. Questioning and uncertainty of yourself will drag your spirits, but never forever.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, the unexpected will become expected. Your greatest of friends will fall into your life without meaning. A course you take will be the foundation of the career you never saw yourself doing. You will get a job and your boss will like you more than you thought and you will get promoted. You will take a chance by entering your name in a drawing and you will win. A boy will walk into your life that you never thought would and you will fall in love.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, so many things are going to happen. Many of those things will be good but many of those things will be bad. What you always need to remember, regardless of where you are in life, is that:
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, please promise me that you will never forget how beautiful life is. Even when everything seems to be going to shit and nothing is turning out your way, please promise me that you will never forget how beautiful your life is. There are so many experiences that life will unravel. There are so many memories that life will hold. There are so many beautiful things life has to offer.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
As you get older, always remember how beautiful you are. You are the most admirable, intelligent, funny, high-spirited, beautiful person I have ever met in my life. I love you more than words can explain and I am so grateful to have been blessed with the absolute most incredible little sister I could have ever received. Without you, I would not be me. Though you are younger than me, I have been inspired by you constantly; you have made me into the person I am today through the memories we have had and the advice you have shared and the person that you are. I am so fucking lucky to have you.
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.
Know how you are so loved, know how you are so incredible, know how you are so worth it, know how you are so beautiful. As you get older never, ever forget:
The world is so beautiful. Life is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.