Lauryn Hill, The former Fugees singer, may just have one of the most influential albums of all time. Her infectious song lyrics has and continues to influence an entire generation.The lyrics of Lauryn Hills the miseducation of Lauryn hill contains valuable messages that are not taught in schools but are very important for young fans to learn. Here are a few of the key lessons, but not limited to, that I have picked out.
"Still water runs deep/be careful of the company you keep."
It goes without being said that Lauryn wasn't the first to come up with this ideology, but more so reiterated it. We've all heard phrases like this before or even "you are who you associate with." I used to take this a bit too literally but have learned and realized it's not literal. If you hang around people full of bad energy, it's either you won't want to be around such negativity or you end of conforming to it. There isn't really any in betweens.
"Showing off your a*s/Cause you’re thinking it’s a trend? Girlfriend/Let me break it down for you again."
This particular line did not sit too well with me at first. Woman are constantly judged and ridiculed for what they decide to wear and are always assumed to be dressing to satisfy men. I became very irritated that Lauryn Hill was partaking. Like you mean to tell me that I spend $20 on a MAC lipstick to impress a guy who doesn't know the difference between Ruby Woo & Rebel? No. I spend countless amounts of money on clothing to impress a guy? No. I wore/wear these things for me, no one else. But, as I thought about it more, Ms. Hill was saying the exact opposite. I took this line as saying that there's nothing impressive about following a trend or doing something because other people are. If you're doing those things for you fine, but do it for you, no one else.
"...totally let my creator control. The life which was his to begin with"
Of course, this one may not speak to everyone, but for me, this spoke volumes. Everything about it is so true. You can constantly try and live things your own way and do your own thing, but you won't get too far, constantly trying to live your way instead of God's way. His way is the only way.
"How you gon’ win when you ain’t right within?"
No matter how you try to rephrase it or put it, she's right. You cannot be a "bad" person with malicious intents and expect to "win" at life. At the end of the day karma always circulates back you around. You get back the energy that you put out.
"Everything is everything. What is meant to be will be."
Yes, once again, I know Lauryn Hill may not be the originator of this phrase, but nevertheless, she put some meaning behind it for me. I feel as if this just might be one of the first lessons most of us learn. Reality is what it is. There is absolutely nothing you can do sometimes to change the nature of a situation. If a person is for you, they will be for you. If a job is for you, it will be for you. If not, it will never workout no matter how hard you try. I guess the question then comes in "how do you know when something is or isn't?" While Ms. Hill didn't necessarily pose or answer that question, my own answer is simply "that's life" and that's what it's all about. Taking chances and counting every failure not as a loss but as a lesson. Whatever you go through, it shapes you and takes you on your own path of life. Thanks to artist Lauryn Hill for being there to give us the reality of some life situations by her own experiences.