Passion, it's something that cannot be taught or learned. Passion is all about what you care about and the way you express it. For some, it is about striving to be better at any cost. For others, it's the rush of emotion when something they want comes to fruition or the gut-wrenching moment when it does not. There is a sense of pride when we do something we are passionate about. We do it well and to the best of our ability.
Passion comes from within that no one can force upon you or teach. For me, my passion is photography and travel. It's my goal in life to travel around the world taking pictures of landscapes and nature. I was not taught this passion for travel and photography but rather I found it. That feeling came from my experiences traveling to different places and snapping pictures of things I saw. In the beginning, it was inadvertent and unintentional but it became a habit. The repetition and need to do so brought to my attention that I found something that I enjoyed and was proud of.
The greatest part of passion is that it varies from person to person. No two people are alike in what they enjoy doing. Even if they enjoy the same activity they might like doing it different ways. Using my example I like to take pictures and travel for fun however I know people who do it for the monetary value. Finding something you are passionate about is more than the compensation and recognition. Passion is the feeling that stirs in your heart that drives you to do something you care about.
As mentioned prior to the passion is untaught or learned. So how do you know what your passion is? You may have a bunch of things you like which can make this hard to understand. What your passionate about presents itself as something you do without a thought. Something that you enjoy doing day in and day out whether it goes well or not. No one can talk you out of your passion because it is something that you hold near and dear to your heart. Going to another level the outpouring of emotion you feel when you participate in doing your passion makes you aware of what it is.
Passion is polarizing and drives us to do things we love and care about. We do not need to be compensated to do what we love if we truly care about it.