This is such an overwhelming feeling. It feels like yesterday I was leaving the halls of my high school and walking across the stage to get my high school diploma. Now, I've had my final club meetings for the semester, have finished my spring semester finals, I'm moving out of my dorm, and I'm saying bitter sweet goodbyes to my newly made friends at a place I call home. So as my first year as a freshman comes to a close at a wonderful university, I have a few things to say before I go.
1. Thank you to my first friends in college. Without y'all I would be completely lost, alone, and friendless. Your friendship meant so much to me this past year. Without you I wouldn't have had anyone to rant to about exams, concert tickets, or my sanity.
2. There's no greater feeling than getting involved. This first year I was involved in many different things from Student Government to Homecoming Committee. This was a great thing because the leaders I encountered definitely shaped me into the person that I have become: driven and passionate. I will forever be grateful for joining Freshman Leadership Council and Homecoming Board as I have gained lifelong best friends and leaderships skills like no other.
3. There are many things to miss at the great school that is LSU. But the one thing I will miss above anything else while I am away is my visits with Mike the Tiger. Even though it is rare to catch him doing anything other than sleeping comfortably in his amazing habitat, he's one of my favorite things about LSU. I'll miss him while I'm away but I hope he stays as chill as he is now.
4. To my professors, you are amazing. You all truly show that you want to be at the school and that you actually care about your students and their education. It is so hard to find professors who actually care about their students and how they are succeeding. So the fact I found not just one but most of my professors cared how I was doing even in a class of 150+ students, was quite amazing. You aren't appreciated enough, so thank you for being my first college professor and making me care even more about my future.
5. Finals. I will not miss you. You were torture. And I am thankful you are over until the fall semester.
I'm really sad to be leaving my new friends, and going back home for the summer. But I know that everything will be waiting for me when I get back. I'll pick up right where I left off to build even better relationships with students and professors. Ultimately I am glad I chose LSU as my college for the next four years. But I'm even more is excited that summer is here, so let the summer fun begin.