As the school year comes to an end, I’ve had time to reflect on my time at college. I have met the greatest friends I’ve ever had. I have spent the last nine months getting to know people that I wouldn’t have ever met had it not been for choosing a school a few hours from home. Absolute strangers have become my best memories and my happiest times. You guys have gotten me through college and some of the hardest times I’ve ever had to face. Now, we only have a couple weeks left together until summer tears us apart.
Except it won’t. Expect TONS of video chat requests, Snapchat blow-ups and an abundance of text messages confessing my never-wavering appreciation for you guys, because, babes, I seriously love you guys. You guys have become the people I tell absolutely everything to. The people I go to for a midnight run to get coffee or just walk around campus to think. I can’t imagine my college life without you guys by my side. You guys keep me grounded, keep me sane and keep me happy. I have the best memories and the best friends.
The school year is ending, so I won’t see your beautiful faces every day. I won’t have anyone to grab dinner with at our favorite spot or rant about terrible professors and a plethora of assignments. Don’t get me wrong: I’m beyond excited to reunite with my old friends back home. Summer will be the absolute best with my home pals by my side, but I will feel your absence every day. I will wonder where you guys, my college friends, are at. I will wonder what you are doing and if life is going well for you all. I guarantee something will remind me of “that one time” - and expect me to call you on the phone to reminisce.
Every day I get to see you guys, and every day I never get tired of seeing you or hearing your crazy stories. I honestly never expected to find such a close group of friends so quickly in college, but I am so grateful I have found you guys. You guys were total strangers months ago, but now you are my best friends.
As it comes to an end and we all have to say goodbye, I wanted to say how much you guys mean to me. How much fun I’ve had with you this past year. How much I will miss you over the summer (it will actually be unhealthy. The separation anxiety will be real). However, even though we will be separated for a few months, I know that fall will be around the corner and I will see your pretty faces again. We’ll share our crazy stories about the wild shenanigans we got into over summer. We will have nine more months together and we will spend so much time together that we will get sick of each other (if that’s even possible).
So let’s enjoy the next couple of weeks we have together. And until next year, I love you, babes. A lot.